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  (Warning; Forced Lemon, cursing, mentions of murder, and other dark themes. Read only if you can handle these subjects)


  The laughter of the children in the park died along with the light of the day. In darkness, the black grass is left to recover from the happy frenetic footfalls, soccer balls, and picnics. The trees sway, at first visible against a pale grey sky, then hidden by blackest night. Leaves scurry along the path and the breeze becomes more keen, raising goosebumps on all over your body.

  You were sitting on an old swing. The chains made a quiet squeaking sound as they swung back and forth, managing to sound deafening in the eerie night. The wooden plank that once acted as a seat now hung from one side and the rusted chains looked like they could barely support the chunk of rotten wood.

  You watched curiously as someone entered the park. You didn't think too much of it, just someone adoring the wonderful night like you.

  You could tell it was a man, rather tall and built. You didn't exactly recognize any features from the man, but for some reason... You were scared.

  The man finally noticed you were there. You sat up from your swing and stood, paralyzed with fear.

  "You don't need to be afraid, lost one. I can help you," the smooth voice came out. "Just come over here."

  Your mouth is almost too dry to speak. You croak out "No, why should I listen to you?"

  "Because... You wouldn't want yourself to get hurt, now would you (Y/N)."

  As soon as you heard those words, you turn around and run. Your chest starts to become heavy. You start to breathe making a hissing sound, and with each breath the pain increases.
You grit my teeth and start running again ignoring the pain. The man was almost a foot away from you. The stranger grabs hold of your shoulders and pulls you close to him.

  You struggle against the man, but it's too late. The man gets out a chloroform-soaked rag and cover your mouth with. Your eyes shut and everything fades to black.


  You woke up, tired-eyed and restless. When you tried to sit up, you couldn't. Your wrists and ankles were pinned down.

  "What the hell?" You mummered as you tried to pull against it.

  "Protesting is futile. It's best if you relax," A voice from the darkness of the room said.

  "How the hell can I relax when I've been kidnapped and tied to the bed?"

  " A smart aleck? This might be interesting after all."

  "Just who the fuck are you!?"

  Suddenly the lights flickered, revealing the man. He had his red hair spiked up, a tear drop and Star on his cheeks. This man looked to be a jester.

  "Hisoka Morow."

  "Well Hisoka, if dominance is your only trait, I feel really sorry if girls aren't attracted to you."

  "You'd be quite shocked by how many I've slept with."

  "Why did you take me?"

  "Simply because I'm horny and I've been looking for a new toy. You were just there at the wrong place and time."

  The next thing you knew, Hisoka had slammed his lips to yours and nearly knocked all wind from your lungs. You hardly had a moment to react before he pressed his tongue to the seam of your lips and delved inside your mouth. 

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