Chapter 1: Saving

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~(Y/N)'s POV~
I flew around North's place while he and the others chased me. It was a game to me but for them, they didn't want me to break anything or break myself. "(Y/N)! Slow down!" Tooth yelled before catching me "aw" I mumbled while she gently flew me and her down to the ground. "(Y/N)! What...was...that?!" North asked between pants "it's called fun! It's getting boring around here" I said as I crossed my arms. "Sorry, but with Pitch attacking and stuff we need to be more serious. So please try not flying around with us chasing you?" Jack said. I sighed "whatever" I mumbled before flying off threw a huge hole that Pitch made in the roof. I fly across the snowy place until I was in a area I haven't been to before. I looked around to see an ice castle. I tilt my head to the side when I saw three people and a little snowmen and a reindeer walking down the icy stair case. One was a men with blonde hair and a some what muscler body, one of the womens had brown like hair and a some what tan skin, the last person had pale skin, white and a little bit of blonde hair, has a icy dress, and baby blue eyes. I think the womens are Elsa and Anna? Jack told me about them. They seem nice I thought to myself. I suddenly see two of Pitch's horses come out of the woods. I gasp and fly down while Elsa blasts snow and ice at them. When one got to close for my liking I blast a fireball at them with my staff but it was only a warning. The fire hit pretty close to them but not to close where they get damaged. The black horses look up at me with their yellow eyes and I did moose antlers with my hands "Hey horses! Try catching me if you can! Haha!" I yelled before flying high up in the sky.
~Elsa's POV~
We we're heading back to Arrendelle after visiting the ice castle I built with my powers until suddenly two grey smokey horses jump out of the woods and growled at us. I try pushing them back with my ice powers but it just went right threw them. One was getting close to us until three fireballs came blasting down at them. It didn't hit any of them though. We look up to where it came from and see a lady about my age flying in the sky while doing moose antlers with her hands. "Hey horses! Try catching me if you can! Haha!" She yelled and flew high up in the sky with the black horses flying up and following her.
~(Y/N)'s POV~
I look around me since I couldn't see Pitch's horses anywhere. The clouds we're grey almost black but it staid that color. "Ok maybe this wasn't the greatest idea" I mumbled to myself. Suddenly one of them flew by like lightning but cuts my arm on the way. Then another cuts my sides. Then another, then another, then another! I groaned in pain while trying to stop the bleeding on my sides. I had to get out of there or I will die, but if I leave then the strangers will possibly die to. I growled in frustration and dive down. I look over my shoulder to see them following. I smirked and flew up just in time before I landed in the ground. But Pitch's horses didn't have time to react and smashed into the ground, making them shatter into dust. I look over at the strangers and see they have shocked faces. I gulped and flew away before they can say or do anything.
~At North's place~
I flew in and sat down on the globe. "(Y/N) get down from there" Jack said "you ain't my mom" I said to him and playfully glared at him. Jack pouts and huffs "no, I'm your older brother" Jack said and I roll my eyes "just because your older doesn't mean I have to listen to you" I mumbled and Jack groans. I slide off the globe and land perfectly on two elves. "Oops, sorry Frank and Prank" I said while helping them up. North let's me name them and boy does he regret it. They glared at me before walking off. "Well anyways I have some news" I said while I swung my staff up and down like a knife. They walk to me "oh yea? What's the news?" Bunnymund said "well when I flew to a new place I've never been to before I saw strangers getting attacked by two of Pitch's horses" I said and they went wide eyed a little "and what did they look like?" Jack said "well one looked like the Queen of Arrendelle, another looked like the princess of Arrendelle and the last one was a male and he had blonde hair, he was sorta muscler, and he was in one of thoughs ice harvester suits. There was also a live snowman and a reindeer" I explained. "The man must be Kristoff, the reindeer is Sven, and the snowman must be Olaf!" North said "wait so that means if Pitch's horses are that far out then that means" Tooth said "he's getting stronger" Bunnymund said. "This isn't good..." I mumbled "no it's not. North, Elsa is throwing a party maybe we can go there and see if Pitch is there. He must be after Elsa's powers" Jack said "agreed. When is this party?" North said "it starts at midnight tonight" "then we go" "wait- a party? At the Queen's castle? You know that I'm not very good in public places!" I said "then you can stay and fight off Pitch alone if he comes here" North said "NOPE! I'm going!". I flew to my 'room's' door since me and North shares his place. I put my staff in and it unlocks. I walk in and look around. It had a forest with a bunch of fire animals that doesn't cause fire everywhere. Papy, my 8 foot Stingray, flew across from me while making whale noises and a fire trail behind him. Ok so I made up some creatures so what? It doesn't hurt making up random creatures. I flew up and to the large circle in the middle of the forest that was just grass. I land and my 'rock people' emerges from the ground. They we're huge but not as huge as Papy. One had lava lines around him, his name was David. Another was the same but the Lava was replaced with ice, his name is Icy. Lastly, the other one had green lines, his name was Qua. They all resembled the elements. Red is fire, blue is ice, and green is Earth. They walked towards me "alright! Everyone listen up!" I shouted while all the fire animals came out of the forest. "At midnight I will be gone! I will be at Queen Elsa's party! We have our suspicions that Pitch will be there! But if he comes here I want you to try and fight him until he leaves! Understood?!" I explained and they stood up straight "YES MA'AM!" they yelled "good! Go back to work! We have a lot to do since we missed 3 days of summer!" I ordered and they did as told. I flew up and fire starts surrounding the place. Ferries of mine start coming to me and I order them around. Not bossy of course, like the way Tooth handles her Ferries. The rock people start pulling out dead trees and start building a house since I was thinking about making fire people. I hate being busy but I had to catch on summer before it's too late.

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