Chapter 1

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*This fic was inspired by bearandrocky1's YouTube series "Beached" Please go watch it! (It will contain spoilers for this series and vise versa)*

"Do I have to, Shiro?" Keith whined as Shiro basically dragged him to the beach.

"Yes Keith! You need to be outside! The beach will be good for you!  You spend all your time inside!"

Keith responded with a quiet grunt.

Shiro's voice was stern, but caring. Keith could tell Shiro really wanted him to do this with him, so he let himself be dragged to the hot, grainy, sand filled beach.

Keith looked up at Shiro who already had several girls gawking at him. He of course hadn't noticed any of them, he was on the phone with his girlfriend Allura. She was supposed to meet them at the beach in a few minutes.

"Keith, do you want a smoothie?"

Shiro pointed with his thumb to the little food hut on behind him. Keith's eyes lit up as he nodded his head excitedly.

"Go ahead and go get yourself one, I'll meet you there with Allura in a bit."

Keith nodded and walked off beaming. In the week he's been in Manhattan he never thought once to go to the beach. The outdoors was never something on Keith's mind, ever. He hated swimming and was never in public without a shirt despite location or weather.

Once he reached the hut he walked in, there were lots of people with swimming suits and surf boards propped against walls. Keith walked up to the cashier, a few other boys walked in and stood behind him, waiting patiently for their turn to order.

The cashier was a blond teen who didn't look much older than Keith, with a name tag that read 'Kelly'.  Her hair was pulled back into a messy bun and her light eyeshadow sparkled just a bit when she closed her eyes.

"Hi! What can I get for ya today?"
Kelly beamed. She was chewing a piece of gum, and lightly tapping the counter making a beat only she could hear.

Keith pointed to a picture behind Kelly and she turned around to begin making a smoothie. Waiting patiently, Keith decided to get his money ready. He reached into the back packet of his black jeans only to feel nothing.   The bright smile dropped from his face and he frowned.

"That will be $2.99." Kelly looked at keith still smiling with smoothie in hand.

"" Keith was cut off by one of the boys behind him.

"I got it buddy!"

The boy had out his and on Keith's shoulder and smiled. Keith turned around curiously to see who had spoke.

"Can I get our regular?"

Kelly nodded and smiled again "Sure thing, Lance!"

Keith turned blushed profusely and turned his head to hide it. The tan boy was cute- more than cute he was, hot.

"Hey, the names Lance"
The Cuban boy - or Lance - said

"I-I'm Keith"

"Nice to meet ya, Keith. Your new around here, aren't cha?"

Keith just nodded and moved so Lances hand was no longer on his shouler.

"Is it that easy to tell?" Keith responds still blushing.


Lance pointed at a table behind him that's infront of a large window with two other teens sitting at it, both of which were wearing swim suits.

"Anyways, I'm here with my friends Hunk and Pidge. Do you want to join us? You don't seem to have anyone waiting on you.."

Though that statement slightly stung, Keith decided sitting with these people wouldn't hurt. Shiro wanted him to make friends right?

Beach - Klance summer auWhere stories live. Discover now