Chapter 1: Meeting The Drama Queens

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"HOLY FUDGE NUGGETS!" I scream as I walk down the stairs in my pj shorts and a long shirt that hides them. It basically looks like I'm only wearing a shirt. My eyes widen as I look at mum and dad with some man and a dude. I don't know these people, what if they're here to steal my food? I wouldn't know now, would I?

"Oh! Ivy, get some clothes on!" Mum scolds as she pushes me back up the stairs. She starts stepping back to the strangers and I quickly reverse to look into the family room again. Yup, they're still there.

"Ivy!" mum snaps. I mutter to myself and climb up the stairs.

Oh, you may want to know who I am. If you don't, you can just skip this paragraph. I'm Ivy Rose Green. Creative, right? I suppose you want to know what I look like. Well, let's get this over with. I have long dark brown hair that curls naturally, I hate it. I also have weirdly colored eyes. I guess you can say they're brown, nearly hazel, in color. Other than that, I'm about 5'7" and I don't have abs. I don't have flabs either. I'm a 19 year old female.

I hum as I pull out random sweaters and jeans from my closet. I take a quick shower and take half an hour brushing my hair. After it dries, it poofs. Just flat out poofs into an afro. I pull it down and stuff it into a sloppy lopsided bun. I don't mean one of those cute ones, I mean one that starts as a pony tail but I'm too lazy to pull my hair all the way through. I pull on my black hoodie and dark jeans. I take my phone from my charger and stuff it in my pockets. I start brushing my teeth and check the time. 11:30. Normal people would be having lunch by now.... It's time for breakfast! I finish off my teeth as I saunter down the stairs and head to the kitchen, ready to grab my cereal.

"Ivy!" mum calls from the family room. She's still there? I walk backwards out of the kitchen and into the family room.

"Yeah mum?" I ask as I yawn with my eyes closed.

"Ivy! That is not ladylike!" mum chastises me. I open my eyes to see the dude and man still there. I internally smile. I jump over to the couch and land on it with a puff of air around me.

"Why hello there strangers," I say with false eagerness. The older dude raises his eyebrow at me and the younger one chuckles.

"So where were we?" dad says, directing the attention back to whatever subject they were discussing before.

"Ah yes, so Kaleb, do you think this young lady is suitable enough?" the older dude. I lean forward on the couch and narrow my eyes.

"Suitable for what? What are you people doing here?" I question, staring down the younger dude. He lets out a chuckle and nods. The older dude stands up and claps his hands on his knees before shaking my dad's hand and lifting me up and shaking my hand vigorously. I stare at him with wide eyes and start getting over the initial shock.

"Well we should get going, we will be seeing you next weekend, Ivy, good day Mr. Green," the older dude says. I slowly pivot to scowl at my squealing mum and my grinning dad.

"What did you just do?" I question, taking slow calculating steps towards them. Mum stops squealing and gives me a frightened expression. They should be scared.

"You're going to be on the new TV show, Ms. Right," mum says before squealing again. What!?

"What is that?" I ask curiously.

"Oh it's wonderful! You're going against fourteen other girls to compete for a date with Lane Winthrop," mum gushes before I cut her off.

"You signed me up for a show?Compete with fourteen other girl? For a date!?" I start off slowly before speaking extremely fast at the end.

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