Chapter 1: The Confusion

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"Chloe, I just need some fucking space, is that too much to ask for?" I say as I slam the car door and head inside. I kick my shoes off and throw my keys on the couch and head to the bathroom.

"Hale, just talk to me! Ever since Jimmy's funeral, you've been distant and cruel to me, I just want to help." Chloe yells at me.

"Drop it Chloe, I'm serious. I've been through a lot of shit, i deserve some goddamn space. You are up my ass constantly, is it too much to ask for you to fucking lay off? I lost my brother, I lost my fucking twin on top of being raped by my own fucking father, NOT TO FUCKING MENTION I ALMOST GOT SOLD TO A SEX RING. Just fuck off Chloe, just.... fuck off." I slam the bathroom door and lock it. I take my shirt and bra off and just slide to the floor and cry.

I'm so beyond broken and repair it's not even funny. I lay there sobbing, missing my brother. It's been exactly three months since Jimmy tumbled down that Cliff, since his last breath... I start sobbing harder.

"Haley please open the door, if you open the door I can get us some alcohol. Please?" Chloe's voice is coming from behind the door. "Haley I love you, I know you've lost Jimmy but you have to remember what his note said, to keep your chin up and keep moving forward. You are my fucking wife so I need to be here for you." I reach up and unlock the door, Chloe softly pushes it open and kneels on the floor next to me and hugs me tight.

"Chloe, I've been such a bitch to you lately, I am so very sorry. I'm just still upset." I nuzzle her chest and she pulls me in for a tighter hug.

"It's okay baby girl, that's why I didn't lose my cool. I know how hard this has been for you. Why don't we go take a nap and once we get up we need to get smashed. What do you say?" I look up at her and have the faintest trace of a smile on my face. We head to the bedroom and then get in bed. After a second of my head hitting the pillow I was out. My dream was so painful and disturbingly sad.

"Haley, come on we are gonna be late, what is up with girls and their fucking make up?" The voice of Jimmy appears behind the bathroom door.

"Jimmy, I swear to God I'm gonna smack that smartass mouth off your face one of these days." I finish putting on my eyeliner and mascara as I open the bathroom door. Jimmy is standing there in a pink polo and converse while I look down and I have on a blouse pure white leggings and flats.... this was so bizarre and unlike me, but I felt beautiful.

"Damn, I guess make up can cover up even the ugliest faces." Jimmy says as I shoot him a death glare. "Calm down sis, I'm just kidding, you are gorgeous." He hugs me and grabs my hand. "Now come on and let's go, Rachel will kill us if we are late. And I for one, don't want my girlfriend to be my death." We head outside of his apartment, as he locks the door I look around and it's his old apartment from Arcadia.....

Wait, I remember this night.... this is the night Rachel pulled Jimmy on stage for The Tempest play... this was a year ago.....

"Hale, come on!!!" I run to the car and I blink. Just that one blink took me to the point where we pulled up to our house in Indiana, and then.... to the moment of him plunging off the cliff. I wake up with a start and smelled bacon.

What was even weirder was that I recognized my old room from Jimmy's apartment.... I looked over and Chloe was laying next to me, snoring away. I look at my phone and see a text from Max:

M: Haley, I fucked up big we need to talk I'll be over in a few minutes.

I jump out of bed and slowly open my door. If Chloe is sleeping, who's making bacon? I walk out into the hallway with a bat and peek around the corner to see who it is, and I drop the bat.... I look at a familiar face and I let out a loud scream as Max walks in the door..... What the actual fuck am I seeing? Purple hair? Slipknot shirt? Basketball shorts?!?!?!?! It's my brother..... Jimmy.

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