Chapter 1

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^That's avory ^
Ok so this is my first book and I don't expect it to be very good. English is not my first language but I will try my best to write a good book also no hate comments its not nice. I hope you guys enjoy.


Avory's POV :

It's been 11 years since I last saw the two people who brought me into this world. They've locked me away in this house at the age of 6. Now I'm 17 years old and I can't seem to remember the last time i talked to someone in my family. I'm not entirely alone. I have 2 maids that come once a month to keep this big house clean, 10 men surround the house. An extra precaution in case I were to make a run for it. They have paid teachers that come here so, I guess it's better than nothing

I almost forgot how it feels to be outside. The sun beaming down on my skin, the grass between my toes. Oh how I miss it. Mother and father decided to take that privilege away from me. They think that my powers would strengthen if I was ever to go outside which probably is true. They made it almost impossible to escape. This house was made specifically for me so, I can't use my powers to get out. They think I can't control them so, that's why I'm being held here against my will.

Mother thought I was a freak when these powers started showing. She convinced everyone else that I wasn't anything but a freak, then they put me here far away from anyone. No one will ever know I even exist and trees are the only thing you can see for miles. I've tried at least 5 times to escape but they caught me every time. I'm slowly losing any hope of being free, of being someone in this world.

Over the years to pass time, I have learnt anything and everything from my teachers and have pretty much read every book that has been gifted to me. I've learned as much as I could and have become very smart and can learn thing very fast .

I haven't completely lost hope. I have been planning my escape for a year now and I really hope it works. It has to work, this is my last chance of a normal life. Tomorrow I put my plan into action. It can't fail. It won't. I guarantee.


Hi fellow readers i know the chapters short but i promise that they will get longer and better .i hope you guys liked it . leave a like and comment adios. ☺

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