Chapter one: The Black Van

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Onyx couldn't sleep. His thoughts raced and wouldn't let him rest. He glanced to where his dog layed, snuggled in his doggy bed. He got up and pulled a shirt over his head.  He grabbed the leash and hooked his dog, max.

"Lets go for a little walk, bud."  

It was late, maybe 10ish, Onyx's complex was silent. His dog and him arrived at the park not long after. His eyes fluttered as he remembered coming here with his dad as a young child. He hasn't talked to his parents much since the accident. He would always arrive at there doorstep, but than turn around in shame and dismay.

 Alarming max and Onyx, a screech of rubber was heard, making max bark. From a ways up the road, a black van was seen, going almost 130 km/hr. It looked like it wasn't stopping for no one or nothing, however it did, right beside onyx and his dog.

The door flew open. A man dressed fully in black spoke, his voice raspy and deep. "Get in. Or else."

Onyx panicked,  the first thought that came to mind was run.

Max followed, panting. 

The vans door closed, and the drifted around to chase after Onyx and Max.

Onyx got home, not knowing if it was the brightest idea to lead them to his house, but fear and panic drived him there. He shuffled to get his keys.

Max whimpered, breaking Onyx out of concentration.

"Shh, buddy, its okay." He twisted the keys and hurried inside, closing and locking the door behind him.

He didn't know what these guys wanted with him, but he sure as hell didn't want to find out.

If they were following him, he was safe because he ran to his wine cellar, max following obediently.

He looked through a window, praying the men weren't outside. However they stood, banging on the door. He listened to there conversations.

"Screw it. We can try catching him later, I'm sure Lucas wont be utterly pissed off." The one bald guy said.

Lucas? Lucas as in... oh shit. 

"Alright. I guess so. But your explaining it to him." The other tall raspy mouth man replied, turning and headed for the van.

My thoughts raced. 

So...They let ol' uncle out of jail did they.



Itll get better, so bear with me :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2018 ⏰

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