Confession - BTS Oneshot

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Namjoon sighs, it's been an exhausting day, having gotten up at 6:00am for their choreography dance practice, then going to his studio to finish writing lyrics for their newest album. Not to mention right after he finished that the band had a fan meeting for pretty much the whole rest of his day.

Now it is 10:00pm, Having stayed up for a few more hours writing more lyrics and practicing his rap. He plops down onto his bed, relishing in the comfort of his soft pillows.

Namjoon curls his body around a pillow wishing it was his secret crush.Yep that's right, he's had a secret crush for a while now, not having any confidence whatsoever to tell him, yes, a him. That him is none other than Kim Seokjin, his bandmate.

He turns on his phone, opening the camera app, looking at all the pictures they have taken together in the past. Of course, just as friends. But Namjoon want's to be more than just friends.

His only problem is that he doesn't know how to tell Jin he likes him. Will he be disgusted? Maybe he will avoid me? Thoughts run through his head, not letting him fall asleep, even though he's exhausted.

He then hears a knock on his door, and he looks towards the sound, only moving his eyes. "Come in.." He mumbles, just loud enough so the person could still hear him. Who came in shocked him.

Namjoon's eyes go wide at the sight of Jin standing in front of his door, closing it behind him of course, wiping away at his tears staining his face.

Jin's eyes are swollen, pink colored from crying for who knows how long, and his lips are formed in a pout. "N-Namjoon.." His voice cracks walking over to Namjoon's bed still wiping away at his tears as he plops his knees onto the carpeted floor, burying his face in the side of Namjoon's bed, crying louder.

Nothing broke Namjoon's heart more at the sight of his crush crying. He knows Jin has always been a bit of a baby when it came to sensitive topics or feelings. So he takes the easy way of approach.

"Hyung.." He starts, "What's wrong?" He asks with his concerned voice. He sits up, placing a blanket over Jin's back, letting it hang off him cutely.

Jin mumbles something Namjoon can't quite understand, since he mumbles it into the bed. He paces his hand on the crying older's head, trying to calm him so he will talk to him normally.

He gives it a minute before Jin finally looks up at him, tears stopped flowing but his eyes still swollen. "N-Namjoon I had a-a bad dream.." Jin stops talking looking down in embarrassment. "I didn't know who else to come to.. it was just so scary.."

Tears fill his Hyung's eyes once again, making Namjoon feel a pang in his heart. "Shh.. it's okay.. I'm here.." Namjoon isn't the leader of the group for nothing, he takes care of all the members, just like all the members rely on him for.

"Tell me what it was about?" Joon asks quietly, not wanting the elder to be more embarrassed than he already is.

Jin looks away, "I can't tell you.. you wouldn't look at me the same way again if I told you, you'd treat me differently."

That made Namjoon's heart feel crushed. He was in love with Jin, thinking of himself treating Jin like someone he didn't care for hurt him.

"Hyung." Namjoon states, trying to be calm. "If you don't want to tell me that's perfectly fine, I understand that dreams are personal and you want to keep it to yourself so I will respect your thoughts and feelings, but, don't ever think I would ever treat you differently, you mean so much to me and I would never disregard you in any way."

Jin's eyes suddenly light up again, perhaps with something like, hope? "Thank you Joon.. That means a lot, really.." He lifts his face up more to wipe his tears, Namjoon finding it the most adorable thing ever.

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