Chapter 1

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(If anyone does not understand Mituna's typing. When you see it in bold there it will say what Mituna is saying in the normal way just so people can understand because trust me I know it CAN be difficult. SO enjoy this somewhat remake. The typing style I'm using E=3, A=4, S=5, O=0, T=7, I=1, and B=8. This is Mituna's official typing quirk and you are free to take it if you are having problems. So thank you!)

(Hey guys! Its reaction time so let's get started on some ships! Today is Davekat, my radical buddies! I promise I will try my best and not curse to what I can and here to help is gonna be Kurloz! If anything bad happens! Right Kurloz? -Kurloz gave a thumbs up and smiled.- Thank you now let's go!)

"H3y guy5! 175 r34c710n 71m3 50 l375 g37 574r73d 0n 50m3 5h1p5! 7od4y 15 D4v3k47, my r4d1c4l 8udd135! 1 pr0m153 1 w1ll try my b357 4nd n07 cur53 70 wh47 1 c4n 4nd h3r3 70 h3lp 15 gonn4 83 Kurl0z! 1f 4ny7h1ng 84d h4pp3n5! R1gh7 Kurl0z?" Kurloz gave a thumbs up and smiled "7h4nk y0u n0w le75 g0!"

"H3y guy5! 175 r34c710n 71m3 50 l375 g37 574r73d 0n 50m3 5h1p5! 7od4y 15 D4v3k47, my r4d1c4l 8udd135! 1 pr0m153 1 w1ll try my b357 4nd n07 cur53 70 wh47 1 c4n 4nd h3r3 70 h3lp 15 gonn4 83 Kurl0z! 1f 4ny7h1ng 84d h4pp3n5! R1gh7 Kurl0z?"   Kurloz ga...

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(I haven't met Karkat or Dav? I don't know how to say his name.. I remember meeting Karkat or as I call him Grumpy because of Kankri. He was pretty loud. But I do think that he does make a somewhat cute matesprite with the weird shades guy and Kurloz agrees! -Kurloz was trying to drink faygo with a straw. Mituna moved the staw and got it past the strings for him.- He agrees. But I was gonna say I've seen them do this before!)

"1 h4v3n7 m37 K4rk47 0r D4v? 1 d0n7 kn0w h0w 70 54y h15 n4m3.. 1 r3m3m83r m3371ng K4rk47 0r 45 1 c4ll h1m Grumpy 83c4u53 0f k4nkr1. H3 w45 pr3tty l0ud. 8u7 1 d0 7h1nk 7h47 h3 d035 m4k3 4 50m3wh47 cu73 m4735pr173 w17h 7h3 w31rd 5h4d35 guy 4nd Kurl0z 4gr335!" -Kurloz was trying to drink faygo with a straw. Mituna moved the staw and got it past the strings for him- "H3 4gr335. 8u7 1 w45 g0nn4 54y 1v3 533n 7h3m d0 7h15 b3f0r3. "

(I've dealt with this before!! Being cute sucks! Being rad is way better! I didn't know Grumpy was red blood though! It's cool! :) Kurloz? Did you know? -Kurloz nodded- Why didn't you tell me, That's mean! -Kurloz shush papped him a sorry- Thank you

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(I've dealt with this before!! Being cute sucks! Being rad is way better! I didn't know Grumpy was red blood though! It's cool! :) Kurloz? Did you know? -Kurloz nodded- Why didn't you tell me, That's mean! -Kurloz shush papped him a sorry- Thank you. I think we're done with that picture though! I give it a ⅘ Just because it is a rad ship. Just don't like the word cute. Now move to my favorite number...2!)

MITUNA REACTS TO HOMESTUCK SHIPSWhere stories live. Discover now