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Here are the rules:

1. I will be using Rebornica's version of all of the characters.

2. No smut. Period. We can do fluff, but no smut. I'm going to try to keep this child friendly other than cursing.

3. Cursing is allowed.

4. You must fill out a form.

5. Please don't exclude my oc, I'd like to have fun too.

6. If I don't respond within an hour or two, tag me. Usually I check my notifications at least three times every day, but sometimes I forget.

7. No OP characters. It's no fun if your character does everything perfectly without even getting the tiniest scratch. Species that include the word 'ultimate' or more than two, maybe three supernatural creatures are considered OP.

8. Play my crush and I'll play yours

9. You MUST make your dialogue distinguishable from your actions. If you don't, it confuses the living shit out of me, and I won't reply.

The password changes periodically.

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