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I have my very best friend since i was born, literally since i was born! I know it's funny, but we have the same birthday. Lucky enough though we're not born at the same hour, minute or seconds.

Call it cliche but both of our parents are best of friends. And since they wanted to keep the friendship flowing, they formally build our 'friendship' after conceiving us. The conversation somehow goes like this, "hey best friend they should be best friends too, like us" "That sounds fun best friend. From now on they are best friends" "Yeah (High five)".

Another funny thing is they named us after those famous doll couple  Ken and Barbie. They say that it sounds cute and is very sweet because our name are meant to be together (insert duh tone here).

Growing up with a weird and a lunatic parents is quite hard. Don't get me wrong, i love my parents but their craziness about happy endings, fairy tales and destiny is getting into me.

Ken and I grew up inseparable, again take inseparable literally. We almost live in the same house (the perks of having your parents best friend living in the neighborhood). We played together with the same toys ( like sharing my set of doll toys and he shared his car collection and other stuff to me). We both played in the rain running naked (You also have that experience so don't laugh at me). We also celebrated our every birthday together, like a really grand celebration. We both took piano lesson, dancing lesson, ballet lesson (Yes, he took it too. Like he has any choice), singing lesson and the list goes on that can be attach to the word inseparable.

Actually, Ken and I don't really mind being best friends. It's fun actually. And being with your best friend at the same school is an advantage, it's like having an instant body guard and personal assistant.

But the craziness of being best friends doesn't end there. During our 6th grade,  we officially became a couple. And guess what? Our parents initiated it. Who do you think who's in the right mind would want their kids to be in a relationship in 6th grade? Only our parents did.

But because we still don't know the real meaning of 'couple', we acted like a normal 6th grader best of friends. We still do that crazy stuff like a normal kid does. Not until he confessed after our elementary graduation.

As far as i remember this is exactly what he told me, "Barbie, i know it's weird and kinda creepy to you, but i don't see you anymore as a best friend. We can't hangout as a friend anymore." I am dumbfounded that moment, imagine your best friend since you were born (Don't forget literally 'born') telling you that you can't be friends anymore. But what he said next gave another meaning to the word dumbfounded (you can exaggerate it's meaning as far as you are pleased).

"Barbie" long pause. "Uh Barbie, we can't be best friends anymore but... can you be my real girl friend?"

Everything about us changed after that juicy confession. We acted like a real couple, you know that adorable little couple. That's us. Both of our parents are very happy because finally destiny is working their magic on us (insert 'duh' tone here).

Ken is really cute acting like a real gentleman around me and doing his best to be a good boyfriend. I'm not used to Ken being gentleman and sweet but i'm starting to like it.

Again, another twist of events happen in our relationship.

On our freshmen year, i broke up with him. Let me give you some of the reasons why.

First, we're both too young to be in a relationship and that's to obvious to be stated. Second, i am not so sure on what i feel about him. The issue of being young still lingers here, maybe it's just infatuation or sadly obsession with each other (our parents obsession too) that is keeping us together. Third, i want to explore things other than being with him and fulfilling our parents dream happy ending for us. Fourth, i want to meet and be close to other people other than him. And the list of reasons go on.

The god news is, Ken being the good guy accepted my reasons without any argument. I know he truly understand.  Another good news is, our families doesn't freak out when we broke up. They said that they truly understand, which is hard for me to believe but who am i to judge, maybe they really are.

Ken and I both agreed that we must keep our friendship, so we did. It's just a little different from our friendship before but we still did our best to be intact.

But when everything is going back to normal another twist in our story happened.

During our high school graduation upon delivering his Valedictory speech (I forgot to tell you guys that the guy is really Smart with a capital S), Ken did the sweetest thing ever.

The speech goes like this.

"......There is that special girl that keep on bugging my tranquil life since i was born. But no matter how hard i tried to stay away from i keep coming back. Call it destiny or fate, i am so lucky that we are born best friend. How about being my best friend till the day we die? And don't you dare say no cause i won't take no for an answer. I gave you enough time to discover life a little far from me and i hope that time is also enough to know how you really feel about me, about us...

"Because Barbie Mendoza, I love you! I love you that i want to be with you when you discover all the things in life. I love you that i'll help you make sure that you'll love me too. I love you that i want you to be my forever best friend and with a sideline of being my girlfriend. Be girl Barbie? And this time it's for real."

I just stood there after he delivered that *insert adjective here* speech. And before i knew it he's in front me looking straight into my eyes like he's gaze boring into my soul. And within a flash of second i am enveloped into his tight embrace crying while repeating over and over again the word "YES" and "I LOVE YOU".

We broke from our tight embrace when we heard the crowd cheering and clapping for us. It's like they've watch the sweetest movie ever. At the corner of my eyes i saw our parents crying and hugging and even shouting like they've just won a million dollar lottery.

I knew from that very moment that our friendship will last a lifetime.

I know journey to our happy ending will be a little bumpy but who cares? As long as we have each other whatever twist and turns life may give us i know we'll get over it.


That scene happen 20 years ago and now we are 10 years happily married. And every time i remember that scene i can't help being mushy.

 "Mommy..Mommy... Let's go. I'm excited to see daddy."

That little kid who calls me mommy is the fruit of our LOVE. And there's no greater joy upon seeing KB growing.

From the very beginning i know and i can feel that we will be best friend for life. .....




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