my first CaveVenom fanfic

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ant was in his house getting ready to hangout with cave. ant was very nervous about asking cave out because 1. ant is a guy and so is cave and ant felt it was awkward.  2. ant was scared he was gonna get rejected by cave. so ant decide to go to seto to get a potion... not the regular order he orders from seto  something really usual ... so ant went to seto's to see if seto has the potion he is looking for. u all must be wondering what kind of potion that ant is getting... the potion he is getting is a genderbend potion. ~time skip to when already drank the potion and went to go ask cave out~

*ant walk over to cave who is sitting on a park bench*

cave: ant what happened to u why are u a girl?

ant: because im in love with u and im scared u will reject me cuz im gay

cave: u didn't have to chance yourself so u can be with me I luv u the old u

*cave lifts up and ant's head and cave then kisses ant*

*ant kisses back*

*ant and cave break the kiss*

ant: I luv u

cave: I luv u too

                  the end

(@SgtFrogLover is one of my Twitter followers and is the one who requested this fanfic and @SgtFrogLover searched online for a CaveVenom fanfic and there is none so I made one so when u want to serach up a Cavevenom fanfic you'll find one)

u didn't need to change yourself so u can be with meWhere stories live. Discover now