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Prompt: Lance easily gets sick this happens and the cryopods cant heal him so they have to wait it out. However the rest of the team goes on a mission and gets captured and Lance has to go try to save them.
Allura POV at the castle on a ice planet
"I hope you all had a good time here" I said to the other paladins. We had just got back from spending most of the day playing in the snow on Clossen ( the ice planet ). For many reasons the main one was that we found out that Lance has never actually seen snow which made no sense because he is the paladin of water and ice so we planned a short day trip to Clossen. During the whole preparation for the trip Hunk,Pidge, and Lance kept trying to convince us that we should be working although when we got there they stopped trying to convince us and had tons of fun. " it was awesome and great for bonding." Shiro said everyone agreed and commented on how much fun it was. " also tomorrow you can show up in whatever clothes you want as long as it is not your paladin armor." This confused them so I added " there will be moments when you are attacked without your paladin armor so it's important to practice for those kind of situations." They nodded and finished up with their food goo and went to bed. Afterwards I went to bed.
—————————Next Day——————————
Lance POV
Great I'm sick of again. I knew this would happen Hunk knew this would happen heck even Pidge knew this would happen but did we stop it no. I tried to stand up only to fall down I check my clock and realized I was almost late for training I got up staying upright by leaning against the wall and decided I could just go in my pajamas so I got there and while I was the last one there nobody cared as I was not late. I got my bayard out and we started training I tried to shot it but ended up hitting the ceiling. This was great I was aware of Hunk's and Pidge's stares at me. They were on to me I knew they would notice something different after all i was still leaning against they training room wall. Just prefect but I mean I couldn't act like this was shocking after all I was coughing or sneezing every 30 seconds or so.
Hunk's POV
Lance was acting really weird. First he is leaning up against the wall and then there was the many missed shots and the most obvious thing of them all he was coughing or sneezing every 30 seconds. I go up to Lance and ask " Lance you ok buddy?" He answered "Never *cough cough* better." I raised an eyebrow and felt his forehead just like I suspected he was burning up. " Lance your burning up." I told him. "I'm fin*cough cough*." He protested. "No your not." I stated as I picked him bridal style and started carrying him to his room. While I was exiting Pidge asked me if he was sick and if she should tell the others I just nodded and kept walking. There was much protest but even more coughs as I carried him into his room so he could get the rest he needed.
We were training when all of a sudden Hunk scooped up Lance and started walking out. Pidge walked up to them and asked them something Hunk just nodded and kept walking. After they left Keith said " what just happened?" Pidge just answered " Lance is sick so they left." Keith said " why doesn't he just tough it out." Pidge said " you know how there is that Garrison trip to see that historic site." We nodded " Well when our class went there it was hailing and afterwards Lance got sick and had to be excused from classes the next day." I said " Pidge that's not possible 1 the trip lasts about an hour and second you can only get excused from class if you can not even attempt the simulator." "Well it did and he went down to the nurses office and she said he couldn't so we got to skip classes." After that Hunk came back and we trained for a bit before we stopped. Later I went into see Lance he looked terrible. Lance's face was all red, there was a wet rag on his forehead, and his breathing was ragged. Other then that he looked sort of peaceful. There was a small night stand like sort of thing next to him with a glass of water and a plate food goo both looking untouched along with that there was a box of tissues. Since the pods can't heal illnesses we just had to wait. I went to the control room to talk to the others.
Allura POV
"I have some good news paladins we have a mission that needs to be done today." I excitingly told the paladins. " How is that good news?" Hunk stated there were nods of agreement. "Well it helps defeat Zarkon but the mission is a kinda hard." "Well why do you think can do any mission in this condition." Hunk said. "What are you taking about." I said. "Lance is sick." Pidge stated. "Then we have to do it with out him." I said everyone sighed and got ready for the mission. Before they left Hunk instructed Coran on how to take care of Lance and then left with the others.
—-Time Skip brought to you by a lazy writer-—
Oh no they have been captured the paladins of Voltron have been captured well except Lance but he's sick but then again he's or only hope I go over to Lance's room and shake him awake. After a tick he slowly opens his eyes and asks me what happened I explain that everyone was captured and that he needs to go save he nods his head and try's to get up I end up helping him get to the armor after he was in his armor we put him in a pod on autopilot and hoped he would be ok.
Lance POV
I was ejected into the base where my friends where held. Once in I started to follow Allura's directions on where to go. "Ok now turn left and the door should be right there I was about to turn when I heard Haggar say " oh so you won't talk well we have your lions all except The Blue Lion and I suggest you tell me where it is along with its paladin or me and my druids will get to experiment with you I'll leave you to think about it." Luckily she was walking the other way so I walked toward the door and shoot the lock with my bayard and it opened. Inside where they looked to be fine as if Haggar had just threatened them and not actually harmed them none of them looked up but Shiro said " we're never telling you anything witch." Hunk however looked up and shouted "LANCE!" The rest of them looked up to see Lance standing in front of them. " it could be a trap guys." They looked at me skeptically and I said " it's *cough cough* me guys" as I clutched the stool the adrenaline slowly leaving me. "Lance can you get us down from here." "I can try." I say as I pick up my bayard and aim it at the lock. I shoot it freeing them. Then the room starts spinning
Hunk POV
Lance shot the locks freeing us. As I get up I go over to Lance and thank him and he says to me "Hunk can you please tell the room to stop spinning." I look at him confused before he faints. Everyone is slightly shocked but then Shiro says "Get your armor and bayards then we run to our lions Hunk you carry Lance." We all nod and get our armor I pick up Lance bridal style and we start moving towards the hangar we get there running into only a few guards along the way. I get into my Lion and lay Lance down on of the little benches and take off his helmet then I prepare to take off when a bunch of galra drones start attacking my lion. They must have seen two people enter I think. I launch and start following the others. When the ion cannon starts firing at me of course. Unluckily they land a solid hit on me and I can't move so I start radioing for help. Once Pidge comes and tows me away I go check on Lance he fell off the bench and has some bruises from that but other then that and his fever which seems to have spiked he's fine. Once we get out of my Lion I go check his temperature for real with one of the Altean thermometer I found. I take his temperature and I go to find Coran or Allura to read it I can't find them but I found Pidge and ask her "hey you can ride altean right." "Yeah why do you ask?" " can you please read this" I say as I hand over thermometer " Hunk is this the temperature of a cooked yeti or something." "No it's Lance's temperature why do you ask?" Pidge's eyes go wide "it's 105 degrees." We both jump up and run to the infirmary and find a weird green pack that is cold to the touch we wrap it in a paper towel and go to Lance's room put it on his forehead then we realized that there were beads of sweat running down his brow ,that his breath was more ragged and sporadic, and that his face was more red than before. We decided to tell there friends about this new development. When they got to the control room they found everyone talking agreeing that we shouldn't go on missions till Lance gets better. We told them that Lance probably won't be better for a while and they all looked down and asked how long Pidge told them a week.
Lance POV
I got better after a week or so i don't remember much except the headaches and the heat. After 2 days after I 'saved' my teammates I got out of bed and tried to train with them but they kept saying no and saying I was too sick I would have argued if I Hunk hadn't taken my temperature earlier and told me it said 95.7. There main counter argument being that it was an improvement from 105 and I was just feeling the contrast I would have argued but I had a coughing fit and had to kneel so they just picked me up and dropped me back in bed. Luckily they did because after a few minutes I fainted again that actually happened a lot during my fever. After 4 days they said I could train again but I fainted after 15 minutes and it turned out Hunk read the thermometer wrong and thought I was fine when I wasn't. After a week I was better and apologized for being sick they all said it wasn't my fault. I am pretty sure it is and they just don't want to hurt my feelings.

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