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It was the middle of Feburary, about two weeks before Valentine's day. Berwald Oxenstirna sat in the class room, staring at a girl like none other. She sat across the room from him next to the window, paying more attention to the falling cherry blossom than to the lecture the teacher was giving. Berwald had known her since the beginning of school, 2 years ago in August. Right when he saw her, he was struck with a bolt of pure love and ecstasy. He had accidentally encountered a meeting with her on the first day, when she sat next to him.


"Hey is this seat taken?" She asked pointing to the chair next to him.

"No," he said in a low tone. He lied, Mathias was supposed to sit there. There was still a vacant seat in front of him though.

"I know no one here," she said frowning and looking around the class. "Oh! I know! Want to compare classes?" She asked him, pulling out her schedule.

"Sure," he said his dark aura less intense and his glare barely noticeable. He pulled out his schedule and moved it across the gap onto her desk.

He took the time to examine just how beautiful the girl actually was and he felt his mouth become dry and his face heat up.

She smiled at him and look down at the two schedules with her pen in hand, marking the classes they had together.

Berwald's heart raced as she smiled down at the papers, her hair falling down into her vision, just for her to brush it back behind her ear. She was perfect. She was beautiful. The way she easily approached him.

The girl quickly observed his name on the top of the paper. Berwald Oxenstirna.

Geometry... A ... Check

Adv. English 9... A ... Check

Photography... A ... Check

Adv. Art... A ... Check

Biology... B ... Not check

World History... B ... Check

French II... B ...Not check

Tech Ed... B ... Check

She wrote her name on the paper and smiled as she went to look back at Berwald. She handed back the paper. Berwald went to grab it and felt a shock in his hand after he noticed they had touched. He quickly pulled the paper away. They held eye contact for a few seconds, Berwald was the one to break it though. He looked down at the schedule he had been handed. On A-days they had all classes and on B-days they had two classes. He noticed she had written her name on his paper to his surprise. Most people wouldn't dare to approach him. It was even the first day of school! So why was she?

He unintentionally glared at the girl but she didn't seem to be phased by it. She turned her head in confusion, which was utterly cute. Berwald bit his lip and pushed up his glasses. His heart beat quickened an he prepared to start talking, but was rudely interrupted.

"You are in my seat," a male said, staring down at the girl. She turned around and looked up, confused.

"Uh? Oh! I'm so sorry I didn't know!" She rushed, getting her things together as the male tapped his foot, making the girl rush faster. The girl was too kind for her own good. The empty desks around Berwald had been occupied as she franticly looked for a seat. Unfortunately the only available desk was the seat by the wall next to the window, across the room from Berwald.

"You didn't have to be rude, Mathias," Berwald shook his head as he looked at the girl watching her set her stuff on her desk only to watch her sigh as one of the books fell.

"You said I could sit next to you! Does that girl even mean anything to you? Seriously?" He looked over at her, bending over to get her book. "Pretty hot though; fine job you did there." Berwald scoffed. Hot? He dared to call her nothing but a temperature? How rude. She wasn't hot, she was captivating, beautiful, kind, good hearted, amaz-

"Hey are you still on Earth?" Mathias snapped in his face, "you looked like you were thinking about something," Mathias looked into his eyes before smirking.

"Oh, I know," he said, facing forward in his seat, closing his eyes and crossing his arms.

"Hm?" Berwald grunted, agitated.

"Berwald's in love~" he sang out.


Yet now, 2 years later, they had slowly grown apart, mostly due to Mathias who pushed Berwald away from her. His words rang through his head. 'If she finds out were nations we are in big trouble! We can't risk it! Sorry big guy...' Berwald sighed and pushed up his glasses. This year he had only three classes with the girl of his dreams. The way she nervously bit her lip when she though she was in trouble, or the way she would smile when you made eye contact with her. When she flipped her hair so it wasn't covering her vision. Just everything about her made him feel lighter. The way his heart quickened and palms grew sweaty. The way he felt his face heat up and the way his mouth grew hot and dry, almost unable to speak in her presence. The feeling was unexplainable.

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