The beginning

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So you and yoongi was close friends and went to the same college  together. You had feelings for yoongi but you didn't bother to tell him because he would always pick up girls after school and party all night and come to school all drunk and sleepy. You would try to comfort him but all he would do was yell at you. He really didn't want to because the alcohol was taking effect and he seen how it hurted you but the reason why he was always drinking was because he was scared of the truth....that I love you too......

                   The Next Day

  You were walking home and all the sudden it started to rain.You tried to walk faster knowing you was scared of thunder. You mumbled under your breath saying "I wish yoongi was here" as you sighed. Then you kept walking and heard footsteps behind you. You didn't bother to look back because you wanted to get home before the rain get bad. Then you heard a voice say "WAIT!" Then you stopped in your tracks and turned around and it was yoongi.... You started to cry because he always wanted you for comfort or recovery when he was drunk. You quickly wipe away your tears and yoongi finally caught up to you as he stumbled. Then yoongi said "I'm sorry Y/N" as he looked at the ground. You walls shocked because all he does is party and yell at you. Then you suddenly ask him for what. He said he was with all these girls and realized it hurt you intentionally. You knew you would be lying if you said it was okay but you kept walking as you tried to get home. Yoongi was confused and started to run at you and made you face him. You blushed and kinda chuckled because you was happy to see him concerned for once. He suddenly said "look Y/N I've been meaning to tell you this for a while..... and as you stopped him with your words you said with a smart remark as tears started to build up "say what your sorry and all I've ever been to you was caring and supportive but all you kept doing was pushing me away and drinking yourself to DEATH!" Yoongi was shocked as the words came out your mouth but then he said "yes, I am sorry I've hurt you and I know I hurt you alot it's just that I've been hiding something from you and I didn't want to tell you because I over think about the outcomes so I drunk it all away". You stopped walking and looked at him with sincerity in you eyes you said "yoongi you can tell me anything I'm always going to be here for you no matter what". Yoongi looked at you and smiled and said "well i ....." You looked at him with a questioning face. You said "look if this helps I always wanted to say something too...." as you stopped yoongi looked at you showing his cute teeth. You regained you focus and said " i-i... I love you. Yoongi looked at you and stopped you before you can walk again and looked into your eyes full of lust...and he kissed you, you didn't know what to do even though you always wanted this to happen you suddenly gave in and kissed him back...the loud thunder broke your kiss and yall both laughed and you suddenly asked him "what was that for" as you blushed yoongi held your hands for a while. He wanted to back up for a while and just think...then said " YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL IN THE RAIN!" And you said "WHAT!" And yoongi said YOU LOOK BEAUT-....... as your heart dropped you started to cry and you ran to yoongi who got hit and you held his head up and brushed his hair out his face. You looked at him and said "YOONGI PLEASE DONT GO I LOVE YOU!" As you sobbed. Yoongi looked at you with love in his eyes and said  "you look beautiful in the rain" you were confused but didn't care because all you cared about was yoongi and only him. You looked at him and smiled and he said " your the best I've ever had" you smiled and kissed him on the lips. You realized that you didn't have time so you asked him "what we're you meaning to tell me" as you started to cry knowing that there wasn't time. He paused as he tried to gasp for air. You cried at the sight of him and kissed him again telling him that you loved him over and over as you shower him with kisses as you tried your best to comfort him. He reached his hand up to your face and caressed your cheekand smiled. You held his hand there as you kissed him again. Then he finally spoke and said "I love you too.....

Thanks guys for reading my first book please let me know what I should write about next. Love yall💜💜

 Love yall💜💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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