Annabelle meets Scarlet

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It's the first day of the spring semester, and Annabelle's first day of college here at Somerset University. She's a bit nervous, being a few hundred miles away from home, but she's doing her best to keep a brave face. She takes her suitcases out of the back of the cab and wheels them along behind her as she's walking towards the women's dorms. When she enters, a woman greets her at the front desk and gives her the keys to her dorm (room 307) and she nervously gives her thanks as she enters the elevator and goes to the third floor. It doesn't take long for her to get to her room and she opens the door.
Scarlet is inside the room staring at the room wondering if she will have a roommate. As she was thinking she heard the door open and turned to see a small women standing at the doorway. Scarlet goes up to great her,
"Hey nice to meet ya. Names Scarlet whats yours?"
Annabelle puts on a cute smile as she takes Scarlet's image in.
"She's kinda cute." She thinks to herself, making her blush a little before she stutters out a response. "H-hi, my name's Annabelle. It's nice to meet you Scarlet." She gives Scarlet a bright, if not somewhat embarrassed, smile.
Scarlet smiles back and admires Annabelle. "Ah before i forget since we are roommates ill let you pick which side of the room you want. Cute ones always get first choice," Scarlet says hoping to make Annabelle laugh a little.
Annabelle gives a small chuckle at the compliment, making her face redden a bit more. "U-um, I suppose I'll take the left side then. Th-Thank you." She grabs her bags and puts them next to the bed before falling on it flat on her face, clearly exhausted from the trip.
Scarlet watches as Annabelle plops onto the bed as she makes her way to her side of the room with her bags. She lays her bags down near the side of the bed and lays down. She brings her phone out and starts to text her best friend Onyx.

*Scarlet and Onyx Texts*
Onyx~ "Hey Scar did you settle in your dorm yet?"
Scarlet~ "Yeah I did and I have a roommate. Shes pretty damn cute if ya ask me"
Onyx~ "Really now? well mind if i meet her sometime?"
Scarlet~ "Well it will have to be a while when i actually get to know her. Its only the first day and I can't just barge in on her like that. Plus she looks quite shy. Hopefully i get to know her well enough to let you visit her."
Onyx~ "Or since i am going to the same university i can just meet up with you sometime. If im lucky i might have some classes with the lady ;P"
Scarlet~ "Haha anyway imma get some sleep its been a long time i got here pretty early. Im pooped ttyl?"
Onyx~ "Yeah same ttyl Scar."
*End of Scarlet and Onyx texts*

Annabelle groans as she flips herself over and sits up. She picks up one of her bags and sets it down beside her before opening it up and pulling out the contents: clothes and crazy amounts of them. Everything from sweaters to socks, with seemingly everything in-between. All freshly cleaned and neatly folded. She takes one of her shirts and smells it deeply. "Mmm. Smells like home."
Scarlet puts her phone away and closes her eyes. She starts to think to herself about tomorrow. "I hope i get up on time for classes can't make a bad frist impression." Scarlet then falls asleep not realizing that she is not under the covers.
When Annabelle finally finishes putting all her clothes in a nearby dresser, she looks over and finds Scarlet to be asleep. She takes the opportunity to quickly change into her lilac-colored pajamas and lay down. In about 10 minutes, she finally passes out.

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