Chapter 1: Cought Up in the Silk

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Kyree: Mom why did we have to move? Tomorrow is my first day at school, and thats not even when I will have to meet everyone, because I have Winterguard tryouts! What if I embarrass myself?

Mom: Kyree, you are going to be great! You will make new friends, and get your past behind you. I know you will do amazingly at your tryouts today. You have done this sport for 3 years now nonstop, and I know you got skills.

Kyree: I guess it is just hard not having dad here....

Mom: I know, but we need to move on from that. Now go upstairs and get dressed, I will be in the car to take you to the gym.


                     1 hour later

Mom: Good Luck! I know you will do great!

Kyree: Thanks.....

Kyree walks into the gym, and several eyes glance at her.

Coach: Hi! My name is Meri, I am the Coach for the Madison Guard Team. What is your name, and what grade are you in?

Kyree: My name is Kyree, and I'm a Junior.

Meri: Awesome! Have you done Guard before or is this your first time?

Kyree: This will be my 4th year.

Meri: Wow. It looks as if you are one of the most expericed here, other than Liam. You two will be in the running for captains, so make sure you try your very best! Now I would like to introducs you to Liam.

Liam: Hey. My name is Liam and I'm a junior, and this I think will be my 4th year in guard. What's your name?

Kyree: My name is Kyree, and I'm  basically like you, as far as the whole being a junior and being my 4th year and what not.

Liam: Well, I hope we have some classes together then. I hope you do great here in tryouts.

Kyree stares as Liam blushes, smiles, looks down, and walks away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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