Starry Night

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They found themselves sitting by one another, on top of the silver SUV in the driveway. Briers' dress was a little high, which led to her being able to feel Matts' pants against her skin, seeing that they were sitting so close to one another, that their legs were touching. The sky itself was pitch black however it was lit up by the stars and the moon. They both stared at the sky, her thinking about how she felt as though she lost her true love. Here she was trying to have a good time, to forget about Ashton as she was sure he forgot her. But she couldn't. And in that moment of silence, of looking out in the sky, where a galaxy was, that has never been seen and remembering how time goes by so fast. She only wished he was there with her and wanted nothing more than a future with him. While Matt was in fact staring at Brier rather than the stars. All that was on his mind was her. All the times he needed to talk to someone, she was there for him. The way her smile made him want to smile and the way it lit up the room. How his favorite sound was her laughter. The way she was able to get lost in thought. How she would close her eyes and take a deep breath whenever she felt the sun kiss her skin. The way she could stare into the stars for hours and dream and imagine anything. He couldn't stop staring at her lips, her perfectly full, pink lips. Or the way the moon reflected on her hair. The hair he desperately wanted to comb his fingers through. Her eyes that reminded him of a forest, that once you looked in, could be lost in forever. All he wanted to do was pick her up and hold her; protect her from the world. Have her be his forever and only his. But he knew her heart belonged to another.

After awhile of swimming in her thoughts, she could feel something, as if someone was looking at her. She tilted her head to her left to find Matt staring at her. Puzzled, she gave a slight smile and shyly asked "What?" His checks turned a bright red, as his brain scrambled for an excuse to be staring at her. The words "You have an eyelash about to go into your eye." Just busted out. It was dark out so a mirror wouldn't have been any good and she didn't want to risk getting it in her eye, then having it bug her for days, which seemed to have no end. She asked him if he could possibly get it for her. He seemed nervous but replied with an over excited "Yes!". He told her to close her eyes and he scooted in closer to her. He could feel her breath as he rested his hand on her cheek ever so lightly and moved his thumb across her skin under her eye, so it would seem he was getting it. But then he froze, just looking at her, having the erg to kiss her. After a minute she asked if he got the eyelash and gave off a slight chuckle. He snapped out of it and moved back to his spot while saying yes. She opened her eyes, then saying, "Thank you. You saved me from days of rubbing my eye." While giving him a smile. He replied by saying, "Anytime! You need an eyelash taken care of, I'm your man! You could even call me eyelash man! Uh... I take that back." Brier laughed, "No, no, no. Eyelash Man fits you. What do you think, Eyelash man, know any ways on how to put on mascara so it doesn't goop up?" He gave a smirk. Pretending to be upset he hanged his head over his lap, while saying under his breath, "You twits the brush before putting it on..." She laughed not believing what she herd, so just to relive the moment, she pretended she didn't hear him the first time, "What was that?" trying to choke down the laughter. He repeated himself saying it louder this time. Brier started laughing so hard she almost couldn't breathe. She leaned on her side which was right on his lap, laughing so hard that at times nothing came out and her stomach was cramping while she teared up. Matt sat their laughing at the way Brier was acting. He looked down too see her laying on his lap trying to breath. All he wanted to do was rub her arm or comb her hair with his fingers. When she finally was able to breath, she realized where her head was resting and sat up quickly. Not knowing what to do next, afraid she made him uncomfortable, she punched his arm while saying "Thanks for that. It's been awhile since I've laughed that hard." "Anytime" he replied, it not being possible too mean that word any more than he did.

She sat their once again staring off into the sky. She could sense him looking. She looked towards him while laughing, "What is it this time? Do I have another eye lash?" He said no with a wide grin, for an idea had planted in his mind. He started to get off the car, pulling out his phone in the process. Briar was afraid she scared him off, in a shy voice she asked, "What are you doing? Are you leaving?" He continued to look at his phone, seeming as though he was looking for something, saying nothing but, "wait a second." After a minute has past, he set the phone down as it played Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars. He extended out his hand to Brier, with a mile-long smile, he asked, "May I have this dance?" She was shocked but needed to have some fun. It took her a second too register what was going on. But then she took Matts' hand and said, "It would be my pleasure." She slid off the car right into his arms, stumbling onto his feet. She blushed, "Sorry about that." They walked int the middle of the street, having the street post being their spot light. He put his arms around her waist, holding her close to him, "don't you dare be sorry" he said with a smile. Briar put her arms around his neck and couldn't help but smile. He started to sing along with the song, which made brier blush. The next song on the phone started. It was more upbeat, so Matt took one of Briers' hands and began to move diagonally while moving their hands up and down to the beat. Then they felt a few drops of water fall on their skin. Brier looked up as it started to rain more while letting go of Matt. He looked at her and asked if she wanted too go inside. For a response she took his hand back while placing her hand on his shoulder once again. With that Matt continued to dance with her. He then extended out his arm while still holding hers and twirled her into his arms; taking her other hand swaying back and forth in that position. They both laughing and smiling, having no worries. Not caring that they were getting soaked by the cold rain. Once he let go of her, he bent his knees slightly as he grabbed the back of her thighs with his arms tight around them and lifted her up. She lifted up her arms to welcome the rain with her eyes closed facing the sky. Matt was amazed of the vision of her, the way she was enjoying the rain.

She looked down at him, resting her hands on his shoulders as he slowly put her down keeping the eye contact. Once her feet touched the ground, Matt moved one hand up too her waist and his other hand on her face. Her hands still on his shoulders. He rubbed her cheek with his hand. Giggling at his actions, asked, "Do I have another eyelash?" He just smiled, staring at her face. Slowly the words slipped through his lips, "You are so beautiful..." Softly he guides her face towards his, to the point he could feel her breath. Their noses touched, with their eyes closed. They could feel the tension grow between them. He moved his face up slightly so their noses rubbed against each other. When finally, he grabbed her sides and pulled her into him. Their lips barely touched. Then Matt parted his lips and put her bottom lip between his. She then went with the motion, parting her lips to kiss his top lip. Her hand moved to the back of his neck. Then she moves away so their foreheads touch as the both look at the street smiling.

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