(J.JK)Tears of Happiness

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First of all, this is actually not my story. Its my friend's. So that's it. Well, enjoy!!!!


~~At Poirot Cafe~~(I just made it up)

(Y/N) P.O.V (Point of view)

"(Y/N), let's have a sleepover!" said Haneul, one of my best friend. I have five best friends throughout my highschool year, college life, and now. Their names are:
- Kim Haneul
- Park Seunji
- Park Jimin
- Kim Taehyung
And lastly........Jeon Jungkook

"Yeah, sure. Where's the venue?" I asked. "Hmmm... How about your house?" Seunji, that came out of no where, asked. "Wait. We can't. I have a little brother at home!" I denied. "Please (Y/N)?????" Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook asked with the adorable puss and boots eyes. "Oh no. Not that eyes!!!" I said. "Oh. Come on (Y/N)!! Just this once!!" They all put on the eyes. "Please anything but the eyes!!!"
I said with a hint of annoyance. "Ugh, okay. You guys win!" "Yeayyy!!!" They all jumped in happiness. 'Just like a kid' I thought.

Just then someone walked beside us. I recognized that person.

He's my crush.

He's my crush starting from highschool. Well I had confessed to him and he said 'Yes' but we ended up with me knowing him cheating with another girl.

Seeing him made me remember the memory that I tried to disposes off.

Well I failed miserably.

"(Y/N)! Do you catch what I'm saying?!" Jimin asked more like yelled. "What? What did you guys say? I didn't catch it." I answered truthfully. "Oh come on, (Y/N). You kept spacing out since we graduated highschool." Seunji blurted. 

"I don't know what you are saying and I don't care one bit. By the way why are you guys planning it at my house. V's house is a lot bigger than I am." I denied the fact that we're doing it at my house.

"(Y/N), your house is a lot cleaner than that guy's house. Don't ever act like you don't know how his house like."Haneul said with a boring tone. 

"Hey guys. I need to go now. See you guys later!" Jungkook said. "Okay, Jungkook. Be careful." I said. While Jungkook stood up from his chair I thought I heard him mumbled something. I shrugged. Maybe it's just my imagination.

Jungkook's P.O.V

'That bastard' I mumbled hoping someone didn't heard anything.

I got out from the cafe and talk to myself. "Oh Jungkook. You're such an idiot. Knowing you, huh, you're a scaredy cat..........."

"Alright I have made my choice. I'll do it tonight." I encouraged myself and walked towards the dorms that I shared with my hyungs.

♪♥♦Time skip♦♥♪

3rd person's P.O.V

'Ding Dong'

The doorbell went off signalling that someone is here.

"I'll get it." A highschool boy shouted. He opened the door revealing three man and two woman standing side by side with a bag full of things. "Oh Haneul noona, Jimin hyung, Anneonghaseyo. Please come in." Said the boy with a little bit of excitement in his voice. "Annyeong, Jihoon-ah. Is (Y/N) at home?" Asked Haneul. "Yeah. She's in her room." Answered Jihoon, (Y/N)'s little brother.

"Gomawo, Jihoon-ah!!" Jimin grinned at the kid. "Hey guys come in." Said (Y/N) walking down from upstairs.

They all came into the house starting their sleepover. Firstly, they have a karaoke the pair are
•Jimin and (Y/N)
•Taehyung and Seunji
•Jungkook and Haneul

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