Gale of Destruction Beta

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"Crystallized dreams that float within the frigid void, for what purpose do the serve? Barely illuminating the night sky, the deceased stars shine regardless. Infinite worlds share these dying wishes, all stranded within the blanket of stars. Melancholic for some, yet hopeful for others, those sibylline lights urge them forward. They carve paths beneath the gentle radiance. What fate has the stars decided for them? Will they become an eternal comet shining brilliantly in its path, or will they be forced to guide another, as another dying celestial body?"

Deafening sirens blare the word WARNING as they bathed the chrome interior of the space shuttle a bloody crimson. Red and silver pipes leaked out dangerous gases, and the rush of space's vacuum dragged out anything unfortunate enough into its frigid grasp. Desperately clinging on to a wire, Burster climbed his way to the control panel. With his sheer force of will, he climbed towards the flashing buttons and slammed against the shutter deployment button. Burster's body fell to the ground, shaken from the explosion that caused his ship to get destroyed.

Burster is a 19 year old man with messy ash grey hair. He has a visual scar over his right eye, and a piercing on his left ear. He wore a white pilot suit with ebony stripes running vertically along the sides. Taupe boots and gloves covered his feet and hands respectively, and he had silver shoulder pads. His most treasured possession was a lone silver pendant around his neck, with flowers etched into the design. His violet eyes glared deathly at the situation he was in, as they had all of his life. Burster's kindness is often overlooked by his sarcastic and cynical personality. A transparent blue oxygen mask covered the rest of his face.

"Damn it," Burster grumbled out loud. "I knew I should've even those cookies earlier." Using light humor to brighten up his situation, a sudden explosion ruptured the wall that he had just closed. Wincing in pain, Burster brought his hand to his left side to feel a mushy sensation on his hand. Looking down, rogue shrapnel had lodged itself deeply into his abdomen. Panting heavily, Burster pulled himself towards the control panel once more. Pushing buttons as swiftly as he could with one hand, Burster sent out an emergency distress signal. "Mayday, mayday. Pilot ID 248280, Burster declaring a code Red in sector F-41," he declared in a weak voice. Coughing up blood, he rapidly typed SOS in Morse code, hoping that someone would come to his aid. Holding on to his bloodstained side, Burster limped his way to the med bay.

Burster is a low ranked pilot in Twilight Union, an intergalactic space force that governed the cosmos. It was formed around 100 years ago during the First Great Intergalactic War as the opposing army. Ending up victorious against the Dusk Order Empire, they became the leading force in space. Over the following years, numerous factions including the former Dusk Order became more apparent and reduced the Twilight Union to a simple police force. However with the creation of artificial mana users 20 years ago, the Twilight Union was able to regain some of its former glory, growing into a sustainable intergalactic peace keeping force whose main objectives were to protect underdeveloped planets and allow the inhabitants to keep their natural course.

Burster was adopted into the Twilight Union eight prior. He was found inside of a drifting capsule that crashed into the union's main ship. Feeling sorrow and pity for the child with no recollection of his past save for a flower engraved silver planet, the current general of the Twilight Union, Silver F. Albring took Burster in under his wing. After six years of training, Burster became a full-fledged pilot completing mission after mission. His achievements were enough to get him the disdain from his coworkers, who often labeled him as "The General's Pet." This led to him being sarcastic and cynical at times, but also retaining his pride. Under special circumstances, Burster was allowed to have his own recon ship. It was small, but contained necessities such as a med bay, kitchen, and an AI named Darya.

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