Please read (:

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I realized that I have so many ideas and so less time to put them in words. Thus, I came to the conclusion that I may give some of them to you people. On top of that, I would love to read a story based on my idea. There are few rules which you have to follow.

ⓌⓍⓎⓏⓐ If you want the idea, you can simply comment or pm me.

ⓌⓍⓎⓏⓑ I don't go with the rule, first to comment, first to get it. If you like it just comment, and take it, but let me know.

ⓌⓍⓎ ⓒ I won't write 'sold' on the chapter unless and until you don't start the book i.e., post the first chapter or whatever.

ⓌⓍⓎⓏⓓ If you take ages to start the book, till then the book will be on sale and next person can take it and if she started before you. I'll put the book on sale and then you cannot write on it.

ⓌⓍⓎⓏⓔ I will just give you the idea; character and title is completely dependent on you. You can even turn the tables.


ⓌⓍⓎⓏⓔ The ideas are mostly based on Harry Styles, but as I said I'll just give you the idea. You can choose whoever you want.

I guess, that's it. Now, let's get to the payment. ( Yeah, there I said it. I'll be taking a payment. I know even I get grumpy when I see people asking for payment, but then I realized we are not Beyoncé ... )

  ☆ A follow.

  ☆ A vote or comment on any one of my story.

  ☆ A dedication on one of the chapters so that I can look it up and add it to my library.

  ☆ It would be really sweet if you mention about the idea and from where you got it, in your authors note. ^-^ ( you don't have to, I'm just telling. )


NOTE: If you take an idea without doing the payment, then I warn you not to because you don't know me. I'm just kidding, I'm not bad. ^-^ I'd just be upset and maybe, get little annoyed by you. So, please don't make me get annoyed at you. 

- Alex.


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