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Hey my lil' gems ! Just before I start this book I'm gonna put it out there , please no hate , I don't own Steven universe or any characters ! I will not be going with any plots from the actual show this is just for fun ! Also if you comment down below any ideas you'd like the characters to get up too please say ! Anyways that's it enjoy - Lila !!
Y/n - your name

Having a normal life must be fun , I've always thought that to myself , it must be so easy ; attend school , have friends and hobbies but no I was forced to stay inside away from anyone .
I was told I was special that I had powers that only could be controlled by me , for a while I didn't believe this until the day my mum and dad died I tried saving them and that's when I realised that they weren't lying to me .
On my wrists a black obsidian gem started to glow and before I knew it I had a black sword in my hands but it was too late , they were dead and I hadn't done anything about it .....

- some years later -

" this sucks ! " I shouted throwing a small hissy fit " I'm not allowed out but you're making us move ! " i kinda hated yelling at my aunt but this was really it ! She said we were moving to a small town call beach city a few miles north from where we already live .
" it's for your own good now start packing some things " she handed me a purple backpack and sent me upstairs. I didn't have  much so I really just needed my clothes my Xbox and some other essentials like that , I have a phone but not friends to call or text except the ones on the internet that I'll never meet .
As I snapped out of my daze I just grabbed my bag and walking out the room for the last time , walking outside was a big deal for me I never really went outside I had snuck out before at night but then I was caught and locked in my room again !
I don't understand why , I'm capable of keeping my powers to myself and not just accidentally chopping someones head off !
" y/n ! You ready ! " my aunt called from the door " yeah " I grabbed a black jacket to go with my aesthetic look of all black , like Normal , and ran out the door and stopped when the cold air hit my face blowing my black hair into my eyes before I removed it looking at the car and behind it were hills on top of hills , I could feel the excitement race through me, maybe the new place it better maybe I'll be happier !

I hopped in the car next to aunt bonnie and sat patiently looking out the window as she started the engine and driving off .
After a few minutes of driving and listening to some music I just needed to ask " are we there yet ? " bonnie gave me this unsettling look " y/n , I swear to god if you repeat that sentence I'm stopping the car " I was known to be pretty irritating at times but also to be wise and thoughtful at others " sorry , I'm just excited " I said leaning against the window looking over the hills and down into the ocean that was quiet far away " I want to swim " I said glaring at the sparkling water " do you know how to swim ? " she asked " no , but you'll teach me right " I smiled in hope she will " y/n , I'm not staying with you " it went silent " wait what ?! , I can't look after myself ! " I started to panic " no y/n you're staying with people like you , they'll take care of you I promise " she rubbed my shoulder " I don't understand " I said quietly " you soon will " she said rubbing my head .

When we arrived I was looking at the new town that I was gonna live in with complete strangers , the town wasn't half bad there was a doughnut shop , a chip shop , an arcade basically just things you'd find on a seafront , after driving through the town bonnie drove us onto the beach where at the top on of a little ridge was a house and people stood around , they looked like me , except one little boy that seemed pretty normal but the rest seemed a little unusual like me ..
" let's go meet them then " bonnie said opening the car door for me and passing me my bag .
As we walked up the steps to the house I could feel their eyes piece through me " hey guys " bonnie waved " hi bonnie ! " one called back she was very pretty and had a gem placed on her forehead " this must be y/n . I'm Pearl " she shook  my hand and I smiled " and this is garnet " she pointed over to a very tall woman that looked slightly intimidating but still very kind looking " and that's amethyst " she pointed to a really adorable looking girl that was lilac and had beautiful hair (( K No JOKE AMETHYST IS BEAUTIFUL)) " wassup " she said leaning against the door " and this is our dear Steven " she pointed over at Steven that was looking at a big on the windowsill " Steven " pearl whispered to him " oh hi ! I'm Steven " he said coming over to me and hugged me out of surprise , I backed away not ever being hugged by anyone but mum , dad or bonnie " don't mind her she just hasn't left the house since the incident " bonnie said to pearl " don't worry she's in good hands " garnet said smiling earning a smile from me " bonnie you will come visit right " I looked back at her and begged " yes , but I've got to go ... " she just turned around and walked away " so y/n do you like video games ? " Steven asked , I nodded , " that's great I'll show you to your room ! " he grabbed my hand pulling me inside ...
let see how this turns out

Author noteeeeee

Eh . I rushed this but I hope to make it better and stuffs ! Remember to vote i really appreciate it thanks for reading my lil' gems Night !!!

It's nighttime for me :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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