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He is a dragon character I made specifically The Hobbit and Lord of The Rings

Me: I will use Skyrim dragon tongue for certain names and when my character speaks in roleplays sometimes, though he will mostly speak in common tongue with a few dragon words mixed in like a few dragons in Skyrim.

Edit: I gave him the ability to have a humanoid form. He uses magic to activate it here is what it looks like.

Full name: Kruziikkul It means "Ancient son" in dragon tongue

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Full name: Kruziikkul
It means "Ancient son" in dragon tongue

"Death of the innocent is not the Dovah way brother!" Kruziikkul to Smaug

Full name: Kruziikkul
Pronunciation: Kruh-zii-kul
Title(s): Ancient one, Elder, King of Dragons, orc eater
Nickname(s): Doesn't have one

Sex: Male
Gender identity: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Race/species: Dragon
Age: millennia old, and is called oldest living dragon though he knows that he is not.
Age appearance: 20 in mortal years. Looks much older in his dragon from.
Mental age: 20
Height: size of mount doom from bottom to the top in dragon form, but can change size to at least be rideable. Though in his other form he's 6ft 3in tall
Blood type: unknown
Astrological sign: Draco of course
Romantic orientation: Bisexual
Sexual preference: both sexes

General Appearance
Eye color(s): Shades of purple
Hair color(s): from ice blue to purple
Hair length: short
Dyed: natural
Hair style: a little spiked in the back

Other form
Body build: Muscular but not too much so
Skin color(s): pale
Scars: a few scales missing over his heart
Birthmarks: a sword under his left wing/on his arm in other form (broken until LOTR)
Tattoos: none
Piercings: none
Additional body mods: none
Voice claim: Liam Neeson (watch: Taken)
Speech mannerisms: none
Facial expression: serious
Clothing preference: usually just a white top, brown pants and a brown leather jacket

About Kruziikkul
Trait #1: Selfless
He would give up anything to save those close to him even if it meant dying in their place unlike other dragons who are greedy and unkind.

Trait #2: Loyal
He is loyal to his friends and was once loyal to his brother Smaug before the fire drake turned on him

Trait #3: WIP

He is unsure of his own creation nor why he was created. He was still young when he found Smaug he raised the fire dragon like his brother, and they had been brothers for quite some time until the red dragon began to become greedy and obsessed with shiny things. He tried to stop his brother but to no avail; he was forced to abandon his brother or die trying to save him, but when he caught wind of him in the lonely mountain he went to confront his brother who was too far gone to recognize the one who raised him. They battled for weeks on end neither giving in until the older dragon was wounded and forced to flee once again. He has barely been seen since that day. He is but a myth now, a story upon a tapestry that parents tell their children of. The purple dragon who fought Smaug the terrible and was wounded, thought to be dead. The only one who visits him is Gandalf the grey whenever the wizard can that is or the occasional traveler who stumbles across his hidden cave.

Fears: Sauron
He fears the destruction of Middle Earth, and Sauron. He calls him Vokuljun meaning "Evil king" in his tongue.

Abilities / Skills
Able to become human in appearance though in that form he can be harmed but not killed easy.
He can also camouflage to hide his body like the dragons in dragonheart.

Does not have one at this moment

Favorite #1: Gandalf the grey
Gandalf was his best friend after the defeat at the lonely mountain the old wizard met the dragon who had told him what had happened and every time after the wizard has visited as much as he could.

Favorite #2: Flying
He loves flying around Middle Earth, but can only go at night for fear of being seen by those who would kill him for his scales and fire.

Like(s): Food
He loves to eat especially if it's orcs no matter if they have armour on or not he swallows them whole.

Hobby(ies): Create things
He creates beautifully carved creatures or descriptive murals on walls with writing in Dragon tongue, elvish, dwarvish and, western/common tongue.

Dislike #1: Sauron
He dislikes Sauron for what he does and what he will do if not stopped

Dislike #2: Smaug
He dislikes his brother for what he has become.

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