chapter 1

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I ran through the forest with blood going down my face. I knew if I stopped I'd die so I ran until I reached a thorn bush I knew if I climbed into that he wouldn't be able to get me ir even find me. I quickly got in it and made a peep hole seeing 4 paws going by along with 2 boots I knew it was a man. A military man with no life but to kill.

Hi my name is Julia Hemple. I'm 14, the worst out of 6. I'm a brunette with blonde highlights which were dyed not natural and I have brown eyes. This was the night that changed my life.

        -------12 hours earlier-------

"Julia get your ass down here for breakfast now young lady" my mom yelled.

"I'll be right there I just need to finish my eye make up" I called back.All the sudden my door slammed into the wall and I jumped as my mom walked into my bathroom.She grabbed me by my hair and pulled it as I screamed the next thing I knew I was on the ground down stairs.

My face and sides hurting as I ate my raw breakfast and what ever my brothers and sister did not eat my mom threw it on my plate which she did everyday.After throwing up from the raw food I went to school.I had a pink rose in my hair, black and red Bvb shirt with a skull on it, black eye make up and a pink and black plaid mini skirt with lace on the bottom along with ripped down the side leggings and black converse. Some would say I looked sexy but for me its normal. When I got to my first class I noticed a new kid he was very handsome with his black hair in his face his skinny jeans and his Bvb shirt on. But the thing that got me most was his hazel eyes that could look straight through you. After a while of staring at him he saw me I had to look away or it would have seem weird. After keeping my distance I thought "well this can't  get no worse i'm keeping my distance everything will be ok"  well it wasn't bevause that day I had 4 classes with him so I knew sooner or late we'd have to talk. As I walked to my class thee head football player bumped into me hitting a bruise making me drop all my books

" next time move freak or ill do more than bump into you" he said.

"Don't talk to her like that" the boy from my class said as he pushed the guy. Then all I saw was them 2 get into a fight I got in between them and pushed them away.

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