what the devil fears

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1. a person picking up a bible and reading the knowledge and wisdom of god's compass

the devil ( he fears that it might lead you to god's temple )

2. prayer is very powerful don't underestimate it he hears you better if you walk in his calling so do what is right in life

the devil ( he fears if you find out your prayers are being heard you'll keep praying and god will keep protecting you)

3. love is everything and god is love so love each other each day the lack of love give's him hope

the devil (he fears that the love inside you will define the image of god inside your heart and soul is enlighten by love and full of grace)

4. praising the lord is what god deserves for all the wonders he has performed in our lives praise him all the time morning evening and night much as possible

the devil ( he fears that your praising is pleasing to the lord and the lord will have grace and mercy over your soul)

5. resistance from the enemy and being aware of his trickery and trades rebuking him in the name of Jesus Christ our lord stay woke focus on your awareness

the devil ( he fears if you keep ignoring his tactics you may save yourself from turmoil by resisting an rebuking him from your surrounding and situation)

6. our desires to please the lord and putting him first that's doing the right thing's in life taking steps to be righteously at start

the devil ( he fears your ways of action are pleasing to the lord and god calls you his light keeper when he sees how bright you are he knowns who you work for)

7. the fear of god is wisdom the lack of fear of god is death fearing god is life saving and life changing

the devil ( he fears that the fear of god is in you and it will keep you on a straight an narrow path to gods way and place in your life)

8. establishing a intimate relationship with god is the greatest thing you could do for your life see him as your best friend someone you can talk to always about anything Jesus is the only relationship you will ever have that will not fail you

the devil ( he fears the commitment you have with god and that you might stay loyal to him this relationship will ruin his plans to destroy you)

9. your faith is everything a strong faith of your beliefs of gods power your faith is hope of something greater then this life we live

the devil ( he fears that your faith will grow to strong and you wont be able to hear the lies he tells just to betray you)

10. your good deeds are wonderful it shows how selfless your heart is filled with a giving spirit that shines out the lord ways in you

the devil ( he fears that your ways are good and that leaves no ways for his way)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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