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So I'm Lisa the owner of Oreo or Oreo cookie and so I got Oreo 4-5 years ago and she was a baby and so cute I wove her and so ya we have become FRIENDS.Years later a guy at my old house who use to live there decided to take Oreo to a walk without our permission and she fitted in the backpack and so he went to the bathroom and left her there in the backpack and she got out of the backpack and ran away so when he went out he chased her and he couldn't chase her and he just left and when we came from school we couldn't find Oreo (my dog) so I was starting to get worried and I wanted to cry and he acted like he didn't know where she was and then someone said from my old house that they saw him taking Oreo out from a walk and so my dad went up to him and said "did you take Oreo for a walk?" And he said "I did and I went to the bathroom and I left her in my backpack but she got out and I couldn't get her cause she fast so I left"and then we tried finding her but we couldn't so I was sad until a year later my dad got mail and opened it up and saw a photo of Oreo on the cover and it said "you have something days to get your dog before its up for adoption" and so my dad went to go pick me up from school and gave me the mail and I said "are we going to get her!?! Can we get her please!!!?!!" And he said "maybe" so I went home And minutes or hours later we hear a knock on our door and opened it and I see Oreo and I get her and she was so happy and that's it for now and also this was based on a true story that happened to me if you could tell or not...anyways bai bai!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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