Meeting the group

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Av itOur stuff was n my huge suit case all our stuff I put it in back pack mode gave it to randy please bring it ok buddy

We were getting ready to get in jump ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMploop ah my fricking back it hurts

Where's our case got it hand me a ice pack from the cooler area ok randy un zipped the zipped the suitcase and gone

To the cold spot in it here ah that's better were are the girls right here ok lets walk we were walking in a small dirt road

Win I saw I cave ha guys look it a cav I was knocked out the others were to clank clank clank sound of chains ah I herd

Randy scream like he got staped I woke up chained on the floor it was easy to get up I herd someone ow sent you here

No one I herd him get cut ahhhh I better help the girls were chained to the floor past out they looked ok so I.did not

Wake them the chains looked rusty so I could Blake them easy ah I walked it look like I was cut I did not mater I got up

And walk I slipped out and ran to screaming I opened the door no one was there I looke at randy ah no he looked dead

I ran up to him are you ok ya blood soaked but randy got out by kicking the rusty chains got It kakazu I here

Something no I can not get seen I did hey what are you doing nothing we just want to leave well ow sent you this white

Haired man said no one! Ok I think he is not lying ok let's take him up and his group up in the lair ok the others were

Awake good come on before I kill ya ok they screamed! We were lead up in this room were we met some plant guy so can

SaI eat them no zetzu man WELL YOU NEW YOU WOULDET OF ANY WAY the other side I think said I will learn about

That later we walked threw a looooong hall way and was lefte with this orange haired guy so why did you come here it

We was not trying to come in here but well ok you guys look nice so you can join the group ok but can we go back to our

World I will anser that later ok we were sone to this huge room this is your room do the rest he shut the door guys I

Think this will be nice mabye ok I am scared rily said here I gave here a hug and a kiss better yes buddy we opened our

Bag and. Took our stuff out I grabed my books and some other stuff of mine they did to I put the food in our mini frige

We had a cooker so we were fine and that's all there were anoth bed for two people each we got worked out I and Amber.

Slep together randy kath. Rily chlo and zoie lani we are good whoh I gone out of the room the .others slep I met hiden

First hey guy yes bitch what's your name motherfucking hiden you bitch ok whou that guy is weird and I,met the others

Then gone to bed one day done. I woke up and made me some food I got bacon good I looked around and gone into this blue dudes room he was with a teddy bear and said to a fish hey why don't I put the tackle in your box haahha ok that was funny

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2014 ⏰

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