One Of Us Is Lying

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One of Us is Lying - Karen M. McManus

Synopsis: On Monday afternoon, five students at Bayview High walk into detention. But only four are capable of walking out and according to the investigators, the death wasn't an accident. Suspicion is pointed to the Bayview four once it's revealed that the dead were going to release their secrets the following morning.  

Why this book works? 

Well for one, it has diversity -  everyone isn't American with blonde hair and big blue eyes. Everyone is put under the microscope - so as the reader we are pulled in to trying to figure out who did it. 

 Full of romance, humor, and mystery. Teenage Angst is done perfectly by McManus (so well it makes me regret ever being one). This book is The Breakfast Club meets Pretty Little Liars (minus all the major annoying plot holes) meet Scream. Depending on how you take the ending is entirely on the reader.  

For me, it was wrapped up nicely with a bow. "Its over and I didn't see it coming." With that being said I rate this as a Shelf Duster. Something that can be read and then read again to suss out the clues McManus throws at us. So keep it on your shelf. 

The scale: Borrow, Shelf Duster, Full Price

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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