Chronicle 1

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Some people can life, their lives without know what is the honor, the loyalty, and the anger; some people can life without understand what is a hero.
My name is ALEX, and I know the real meaning of these words, thanks to the mice that they were fighting for the liberty of mars.
My name is ALEX and the better way to honor those heroes; it is to narrate their stories. These are the liberty chronicles.

First Chronicle: The last Way

When mars was conquered by the plutarkians, they made special fields, where they used to the mice by their brutal experiments, a field of those was called by the mice as the last way, because if you were a mouse, you never backed, this field was in middle of a the Martian desert, near to volcanic zone, the old mice thought that it was the entrance to hell, maybe it was the true.

The words aren´t necessary, the face of the mice said all inside the truck. They can hear are the laughter´s plutarkians soldiers in the cabin of the truck; one of they says:

-"I cannot wait to leave this garbage in the field, I hate their scent"

His partner answer:

-"you don´t worry; we are near to the base"

Suddenly, the vehicle stops, and the plutarkian soldiers see with horror as their base is in ruins.

Inside vehicle one of the mice says:

-"What happened? I know that we haven´t arrived to their base, can you see something ALEX?"

Alex watches by a hole in the wall, and he answers:

-"Nothing, only to the plutarkians , they are near to the truck"

One of the soldiers sees to his partner and says:

-"Who can destroy the base?"

His partner very scared answer:

-"I don´t know, but I wouldn´t wait by he returns"

The plutarkians soldiers return to the truck when suddenly, they hear a shoot. The soldiers turn to back and they watch to a mouse with sunglasses, and near to him several mice soldiers.

Inside the truck, a old mouse is worry and say to Alex:

-"What happen boy?"

Alex excited answer:

-"They are the freedom fighters, they come to help us"

Outside, one of the plutarkians soldier, with fear in his voice question:

-"Who are you?"

The mouse with sunglasses answer:

-"My name is Throttle;¦ you can see that we destroyed your base, if you don´t want died, you must leave to the prisoners, and get a way"

The plutarkians see between they, and one of these says to Throttle:

-"You win for now"

The plutarkian soldier opens the door of the truck, Throttle see to the prisoners and he question to they:

-"Are you fine?"

Alex answer:

-"Yes we"

Throttle see to plutarkinas and he says:

-"Now get out of my eyes"

The plutarkins leave the site.

After .....

Throttle opens the chains of Alex and he says:

-"Now you can go home"

Alex very sad, answer:

-"The plutarkians destroyed my home, I don't have anywhere to go"

Throttle see to the young mouse says:

-"you come on with me, in ours base, we have a site for everybody"

End First Chronicle

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