Untitled Part 1

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Roberta Leigh - In Name Only


Roberta Leigh - In Name Only

Roberta Leigh -

In Name Only

Jane Roberts had married Nicholas Hamilton because

she loved him, yet knowing that his only reason for marrying her was that under

the terms of his father's will he would be disinherited if he didn't.

From such a bad beginning, and with the beautiful Carole Sheridan playing the

part of "the other woman" to the hilt, how could Jane ever hope to

make her marriage succeed?


It was the morning of Jane Roberts' twentieth birthday when

she was given the opportunity of taking what the majority of secretaries would

have considered the most exciting job in the business world - private secretary

to Sir Angus Hamilton, chairman and founder of the Hamilton Press, one of the

largest newspaper groups in the country.

But to Jane the offer was anything but a pleasure, for if

her six months' sojourn in the typists' pool had taught her one thing, it was

that being secretary to Sir Angus would not only give her more money but also

the likelihood of a nervous breakdown.

"Well," asked George Simmons, personnel manager

of the group, "how do you feel about it? It's a great honour

you know, being singled out like this. But I've been watching your work since

you did that rush job for me, and when I was told Miss Evans was

definitely too ill to return to Sir Angus again, I immediately thought of


"Not immediately," Jane corrected, honesty

getting the better of discretion. "I believe Sir Angus has already tried

several of the girls from the typing pool."

"Only because he insisted on having someone in their

thirties," came the bland answer. "I gave

him your name at the beginning, but he thought you were too young."

"And now he doesn't?"

"Sir Angus hasn't been consulted," George Simmons

said testily. "If it had been left to me I would have chosen you in the

first place. But you know what Sir Angus is like... Come now, Miss Roberts,

you've nothing to lose by giving it a try."

"Except my head!"

He laughed. "You're not being asked to many the

chairman - though as a matter of fact you will be the sixth girl he's


"And Henry the Eighth didn't have a chance to behead his

sixth wife, did he?" murmured Jane, and then grinned. "Very well, Mr.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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