Chapter 1 : "The unknown place"

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*I woke up in an unknown place and it was a box , I sniffed the air and I scented other animal I here too , I looked up too see and there where people and animal. I looked to a sign that said
"Lulis Pet Shop"*

" Why am I in this Pet Shop, where is lisa" * I said while I looked nervous and afraid*

*I saw an unknown man entering the store , quickly hide inside the box again*

[Suga's POV ]

*I entered the pet shop just to see the animals , I looked around and see dog's and cat's ,I had urge to buy a pet just to not feel alone I wanted company*

*As I looked around I passed by a box but then I heard a sound I turned around to where the sound came from and there was a brown bunny , I looked at it and carefully took him into my arms*

"Why are you doing in this box all alone huh?" *I said while touching him*

*I felt weird when I touched the bunny , I wanted to keep it and take care of it*

"Would you like to go home with me" * I said while I smiled at the bunny*


*I looked at the man in the eyes when he said that, then I started to snuggle in his arms*

Suga:"I think that's a yes!" * he said while giggling*

*he then went to the cashier to buy you*

Suga:"Hello I would like to buy this bunny" *he said to the employee*

Employee:"Sure ,would you like to buy a cage" * the employee said*


*As he payed he went out of the store to his house*

Suga:"And this is my home"

*I looked around and sniffed around the house ,then looked back at the man as he putted me on the bed of the room*

Suga:"What should I name you?"*he said thinking really hard*
"I got it , will call you  Seoji "*he said while smiling*

*I looked at the man trying to get his attention by hopping on the bed*

Suga:" What is it do you want to play" *He said while giggling*

*his smile is so cute*

Suga:"Well I better go to work , I will see you soon Seoji" *he said while patting my head*

*before he left he looked at me and smiled,and left the house , when he left I turned into my bunny form*

Y/N:"Wow this is amazing , so this is a humans house" *I said as I walked around the room amazed by every simple thing that the room has*

*I looked down and I noticed that I was naked so I decided to put something, I looked around and found a door and there were clothes*

Y/N:"I guess I could use this to cover my body"*I said as I took out an oversized white shirt and put it on*

*when I finished I decided to go out and explore the whole house,
I went to the living room, the bathroom and then the kitchen
I felt my stomach making sound and I went to look something to eat and found carrots*

Y/N:"Waw they even have carrots here" *I sayed as I took one and went back to the room to eat*

*as time passed the man hasent come yet and I felt sad and scared that I would be left alone, after a while a didn't notice that I feel asleep on the bed*

[Suga POV]

*2 hours pass as i go inside the house*

"God im tired" *i said as i went straight to my room , and fell on the bed but felt something really hard*

"Ouchh what th-" * i stopped as i saw a girl on the bed*


"Huh is it morning already ... "

*i looked up as i saw the man from before*

"I- ah ... Um ... Hahaha .... Hi there"

To be continued...

To be continued

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[BTS -Suga-FF] My Bunny is a Girl?!Where stories live. Discover now