chapter 1

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Frieza sat on he's bed looking at the ceiling of he's ship thaking
He got up and he left his room the rest of his crew was asleep
Frieza went to the training room and training he started feeling tired around 6 a.m. the crew was starting to wake up he left the training room got into his bed and covered himself in the blankets he shut off the alarm on this clock and went to sleep some of his minions tried to wake him up but they were met with an angry Frieza so they left him be most minions are too smart to wake Frieza up after a long day of training they knew he was going to be in a bad mood and I didn't want to be the first thing Frieza saw when he first wakes up unless it's breakfast with them that was forgivable in frieza's mind most time Frieza
Spend most of the time training eating then training again he normally didn't spend any time think about anything else

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