Chapter {1}

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Meaning: innocent
Origin: Hebrew

The night the meaning of my name changed forever is one I'll truly never forget

13 years earlier

"And you see that star right there? I see that star every year around your birthday. I call it the she devil star" My sister Raleigh said pointing at the brightest star in the sky.

"Why do you call it that" my voice cracked.

"Well because around this time 6 years ago everything around here was crazy. Mommy was angry because you would never stop kicking, dad was annoyed from mommy being mean, and I was just ready for my baby sister to come. So one night I was outside and that same star was shining brighter than ever, making it seem like all the other stars weren't there anymore. Next thing I knew this beautiful, bright, vicious baby was born" she told me tickling my stomach.

"Does that make me a she devil?" I questioned.

"Nah, you're to young to be a she devil baby. How about for now you stay.. Raquel.. you know that means innocent right?"

"Really" my eyes brightened.

She nodded her head smiling. I pondered on my sisters words as we continued to watch the stars. Did I wanna be Innocent or the bright shining she devil. Maybe I should just be me, Raleigh says that's the best way to be.

"Raleigh? Raquel? Come inside it's getting late" my dad yelled.

"Come on she devil" Raleigh laughed picking me up.

We walked into the house and my dad looked pretty angry. Our laughs seized and my sister put me down.

"G-go take a bath Raquel I'll be there in a moment" my sister patted my shoulder.

I ran up to the bathroom, and turned on the water. I stripped from my clothes before grabbing a few toys to play with in the tub.

"At least let me take care of her" I heard my sister say before she opened the bathroom door.

"Hey baby, you having fun" she said before splashing a little water on my face.

I smiled at her still playing with my toys. She begun to wash my hair as I played more with the water, and bubbles grew around me.

"Aww look at my little girl" I heard my father say. His words slurred as always.

"P-please don't do this just wait I said I'll do it when she is sleep" my sister started to cry.

"I want it now. So unless you want me to hurt that little girl I suggest you do it when I want right in front of her" he yells.

"Raquel look away please. Look I promise everything will be ok just don't look ok" Raleigh smiled kissing my temple.

I did what I was told and closed my eyes. So far all I heard was a few clapping noises and a few sniffles. I didn't care until I started to hear loud screams and my sisters cries.

I open my eyes to a horror scene, my father inside my sister and it seems he had hurt her. Raleigh's face was red and stained with tear as he continued to hurt her.

I climbed out of the bathtub and ran over to them trying to push him off of her.


I continued you yell, I continued to scream but nothing seemed to make him stop.

Seeing my sisters eyes roll back as she collapsed to the floor scared me even more. I went to lay by her side when I was grabbed by my dad.

"It's your turn sweetie" he said before turning me on my backside.


I couldn't help but scream in pain as he finished himself off inside of me before throwing me on the ground. Raleigh held me close as I cried into her arms.

"Shh shh shh baby it's alright I'm so sorry he hurt you" she wiped my tears off as she carried me to her room.

She dried me off before putting me in some clothes, and laid right down next to me. She stroked my hair as she held me close, but soon her strokes stopped and her room was filled with her light snores.

Crawling out of bed I kissed Raleigh on the cheek before running into the kitchen. I grabbed the biggest one I'm always told not to play with before running to find my father.

His body laying on the floor of his office I begun to raise the knife.

One stab

Two stab

Enough for some pain

Three stab

Four stab

I was going for the kill.

His screams filled the house but I kept on going. The feeling of his blood brought a new feeling to me.

That my friend was the birth of the She devil


Childishthecreator ;)


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