Chapter 1

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I will never forget the Saturday of Marh 14 1992..........

It all started out like any normal day, woke up at 5 a.m, got ready for work, and got off at 6 p.m.  While I was driving home I noticed something out of the ordinary. If I told you what happened, you'll think this is the most boring story ever. Someone was driving behind me in a far distance. This was strange for me though because my house is in the countryside with a narrow dirt path leading up to it. I went off the road and went through the trees not knowing were I was about to go. I looked to see if the car was still following me. It was.
  After quite a while of driving I found a little old abandoned barn so I decided I should spend the night.  I  had to spend the night because my car got stuck in mud and the sky was pich black so I didn't have much of a choice.
  The next morning I woke up to the beautiful sound of a car engine.I looked out of the barn doors only to find a middle aged man with black facial hair and a shotgun aiming at me.  I was confused.Maybye this was his place and was angry I barged in. I ran to the other side of the barn and found a little hole in the wood and looked through it to see if he was walking towards me. BANG!
          To Be Continued........

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2019 ⏰

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