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april 21, 2042
aaron's pov

I sat at my cluttered office desk, on top unorganized papers and my tablet on sleep, staring at the time on the opposite side of the white and monochrome room. 8:42. 18 more minutes and I'm free.
Yeah, right.
I swipe my finger across the screen, it powering on and illuminating. Pulling up my unfinished college speech, I begin to type before quickly interrupted by a solid knock on the door. "Son?"
Damn it. I hurriedly swiped to a different tab and sat up straight, hoping to be a decent facade. The door clicked open as a man in a sophisticated suit strolled in, looking at me sternly. "I see you've finished your work early." he said in a monotone voice, glancing at the papers scattered below. I give a tight smile and try to keep myself from saying something I shouldn't, waving my hands across the papers as they effortlessly float into organized and neat piles. "Yes, father."
He stared at my face for a split second before looking away, his eyes lit a dim blue as the papers on the desk glided into his hands. Nodding in satisfaction, he motioned to the man ushering beside him. He walked over and set another stack of papers down, looking at me with a blank stare. "Your father would like you to finish these as it seems you have been moving quickly in your work." I sighed, looking down at the new stack of an added hour of work. "Is something the matter?" the man probed.
"Nothing at all. Thank you." I say, forcing a happy tone in my voice.

april 21, 2042
alexander's pov

I sit face to face with a woman I've never seen before. Her face shone in the most expensive makeup possible and she wore overrated designer clothing, while I was in a sweater that was dirty and obviously oversized and a pair of ripped jeans, one of the only things that I had that looked decent. My hair was tied into a sloppy ponytail and my face was dirtied and red. Definitely not a good first impression for someone taking me in.
Handing over the signed papers to the man next to her, she turned and smiled at me. I didn't smile back. I didn't trust this woman. Why would she take me, of all people, into her what-probably-is her expensive mansion with her rich as fuck family?
"Alexander, let's go~" she mused, starting for the door. If I didn't follow her she would probably force me to anyways, so I obliged. I shut my mouth though, something I thought I would never be used to.

"This is Alexander Hamilton. He's going to stay with us." she said happily as I stood across a teenager in a suit frowning in confusion. I kept my mouth closed.
"Really? He's going to stay with us?" he asked, eying me carefully. "He's supposedly a prodigy in the Navis. He hasn't been magic tested, however. But I know you'll treat him with civility anyways, is that right?" After a moment, he shrugged and held his hand out. "Aaron Burr. Nice to meet you." he said. I shook it, trying my best not to make direct eye contact.
"See? You're friends already~ Son, can you get him a fresh pair of clothes?" the woman, who now I'm assuming is Aaron's mother, asked as she took off her coat, handing it to the woman beside her. Nodding, he led me to his room, which isn't much more than an office with a bed in it. Rummaging through some clothing in his drawer, he threw a black sweatshirt and sweats in my direction. I catch them before they smack me in the face.
"You're awfully quiet." he mentioned, closing the drawer and folding his arms.
"Does that bother you?" I shoot back, raising an eyebrow.
"Look, prodigy kid, I respect you and all, but do you not have any magic?" he said, jumping straight into what probably was his main intent to talking with me. I give him a dark glare. "Nope. I have zero magic. I'm at the bottom of the hierarchy triangle." I sigh. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to my room."


a/n — hi! i hope you didn't die of cringe after reading this skskksksk
i wrote this bit a while ago and i have another chapter's worth written, but it's as short as this one, so yEah i'm still dying on how bad this is—

so fyi, burr actually has parents in this instead of being an orphan, and alex is a bit out of character but yALL CAN IGNORE THAT

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