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I sat in the bleachers and watched him smile to the crowd. Happy that he just won MVP of the year for football.

His smile lit up the crowd as everyone went crazy for him. Then he looked in my direction and he smirk. I looked down and blushed a little.

He accepted his award and said his speech. "God he's so beautiful." Jenny said sitting to my right.
She was beautiful herself. Short blonde hair, high cheek bones. Scientific genius.

"Selena he definitely looked over here at me." She was excited. I don't know why, she hasn't even talked to Justin a day in her life. "Well I hope you guys will finally get something going." It's been her dream to date this guy. Well her dream for about a month. And that was when school started.

"Oh it's going to happen soon." She said smiling ear to ear. I felt happpy for her and I supported her, but there was something about Justin. In the back of my head I always thought he could be my fairy tale. Next door neighbors, I mean we both were popular, the only thing holding us back was my shyness, ive never once talked to him.

As the pep rally ended I sat next to Jenny as we waited for Demi to come, she was so pretty in her cheer uniform. She seen us and quickly ran up to us, "Hey guys, let me go get changed and we can go back to Sel house."

"Oh why we going to my place?" I asked confused. "First of all you live next door to JB secondly we have to get cute for the game." Jenny said. I laughed. "You girls are crazy if yall thought I was going to the game." I picked up my backpack and started walking down the bleachers. "Sel come on please...." Jenny said.

I turned around. "Side door is unlocked, dad wont be home until tonight and Max is staying over his girlfriends, make yourself at home ill be there around 5." I walked away towards the auditorium for rehearsal, sneaking in I watched as Bianca sang on stage.

Our musical was High School Musical, and Bianca was auditioning for Gabriella right now, she was more of a Sharpay honestly, but more of a bitch. Our instructor, Mr. Gabe, in which was also the Alegebra 2 teacher stopped her in the middle of her audition.

"What about the Sharpay role?" he asked. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Im good."

Mr. Gabe looked around, "Selena you want to try and do it?" This is his third time asking me and ive told him no before because I wanted more of a back ground role, like in all the other school productions. "I dont know..."

Bianca stormed off stage and into the front row seat. "Come on, I have the lyrics for you." I walked on to the stage and he handed me the paper, he basically ran to the keyboard and immediately started playing. I looked out at the other drama club students, and then I looked up at the blinding stage lights and closed my eyes, and I began singing.

Half way through the song I heard the auditorium door open and close. I quickly opened my eyes and could see 2 figures walking in the distance towards us. I stopped singing and looked at Mr. Gabe. He noticed I stopped and looked at me, then he looked at the figures. "COREY!" One of them said waving a piece of paper in the air.

Mr. Gabe stood up and rushed off the stage to the figures, and as he did that people rushed up to me telling me how amazing my voice sounded. I thanked them and walked off stage, noticing the figures. Coach Karr and Justin. Coach was red so he seemed pretty mad, waving his hands around and tightening his muscles, and Justin seemed frustrated. Mr. Gabe snatched the paper from coach and pointed out things to him on it, as he did that Justin eyes wandered to me and I quickly looked away.

"Well talk about this after my rehearsal." Said Mr. Gabe and he walked away without listening to another word, they both walked out. Mr. Gabe returned to us. "Wow Selena, that was amazing." He said. I smiled and thanked him. "Well unfortunately I have business to attend to so im going to end rehearsal early today. Enjoy your weekend." He walked away and everyone got ready to leave. I picked up my book bag and my books, only for it to be thrown out my hands onto the floor, I looked up and seen Bianca. "What the fuck is your problem?" I asked.

"Just wanted to let you know your audition was trash." and with that she smiled and walked  away in her annoying ass heels. I sighed and picked up my books, walking home.


As I walked inside the house Demi and Jenny was chilling on the couch eating a bag of chips. I sat right in between them. "What a shitty day." I said focusing on the tv. "What happened?" Demi asked. "Well im sure I got the leading role in high school musical musical that were doing." I said. Jenny sat up quickly. "Omg your playing Gabriella!? What a dream."

"Ooo whose Troy?" Asked Demi sitting up also. "Girls chill I dont know if I got it for sure."

"Im 1000 percent sure you got it, you have a beautiful voice." Assured Jenny. "The thing is now the drama queen is going to bully me."

"Girl fuck Bianca." Said Demi stuffing chips in her mouth. "Yea I guess." I said and shrugged. "Ill go to the game with you guys, i have nothing better to do." I said.

"Ooooo and the after party?" Demi asked.

"Uhhh maybe."


As the game went on the more bored I got, Demi cheered and all Jenny do was talk about Justin, as the game ended we obviously won  and everyne ran to the field to greet Justin, I walked to the car and was ready to go home, 5 minutes later Demi and Jenny joined me. "AFTER PARTY!" Yelled Demi waving her hands in the air. "Yea can you guys drop me off at home?" I asked, I was sleepy and I just wanted to finish this English paper that I decided not to finish yet. "Okay 10 minutes and well go home." Jenny said driving to the party. 

As we got there the house was huge and packed, everyone made it pretty quick. I walked in being greeted by many people, I loved all the attetion but at this point I wanted to go home. I went in the kitchen and grabbed a wine cooler.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around, I was greeted by a friendly face, Justin.

"Hey, Selena right?" He said, I could see the smirk form on his face and his hazel eyes starred in my soul. "Uh yes."

I was a bit weirded out that he was talking to me all of the sudden. "You dont come to parties often huh." I shook my head no and began to look around for Jenny so she can come get her mans. "Do you want to dance?" He asked capturing my attention again. "Uhh no thanks." I responded, he gave me and shocked look. "What?" I asked.

"I would have just thought someone as beautiful as you would want to dance with someone as beautiful as me." He responded. I laughed almost choking off my drink. "First of all that was the worst pick up line I ever heard, and secondly its like if you had a chance to have a mirror super glued to your hand or save a childs life, you'll chose the mirror."

"Whats that supposed to mean?" He asked doing his signature sexy smirk. "It means your a conceited fuck. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go find my friends so I can get a ride home."

"Come on baby let me take you." I rolled my eyes. "Id rather walk." with that I walked away because he was just ugh irritating. After spending a whole 30 minutes looking for them I came to the conclusion I would never find them and I decided to walk home, what a great Friday.

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