Aladdin - Klance version

978 13 5


Lance - Aladdin (the vest is blue and the hat is blue)
Keith - Princess Jasmine (believe me his wearing that two piece but red)
Pidge - Abu (green vest, elastic bandages covering her breast, baggy pants, and the hat is green)
Hunk - Genie (the pants are yellow)
Blue lion - magic carpet
Red lion - Rajah
Shiro - the sultan
Allura & Coran - the guards
Haggar & Lotor - Jafar
Lotor & Haggar - Iago


There was a boy named Lance, he was a homeless boy somewhere. (Not sure where they are but it's not Agrabah) Lance had his good friend Pidge by his side. They were thief's and they only stole to survive. One day they were being chased by guards and Lance broke into a song called One Jump Ahead.

After the song, Lance and Pidge got away from the guards, Allura & Coran, once again. As they were gonna eat their bread, there were two Altean children scrambling through the trashes for food. Lance felt bad for the children since he knew the feeling as well. He stood up and handed one of the children his bread. They thanked him for his kindness, Lance looks at the greedy Pidge behind him.

Pidge didn't want to give up her bread but she ended up doing it. They hugged her and she smiled, knowing that it was the right thing to do. As the two friends left, they saw a male on a type of alien creature riding to the kingdom. The two Altean children came and almost got walked on the creature until the male stop. The male got disgusted by the sight of the children and was gonna whip them until Lance came and stopped the male.

Lance started to disrespect the male and got shoved into a puddle of mud. The male said to Lance as he rode off to the kingdom, "You'll be nothing more then a filthy street rat." Lance charged at the male but got blocked by the kingdom doors. Lance was disgusted by the words but also hurt. Lance and Pidge walked to the abandoned building they lived in. Once again Lance sang but it was about how he felt.

Lance sat on the edge of the building and looks at the castle. He sighed happy and said, "One day Pidge..we'll live in a castle where people have to respect us and listen to us. Wouldn't that be nice?" He looked at Pidge who was already asleep. He chuckled to himself and kept on looking at the castle and said to himself in a whisper tone, "One day..."

Next day at the kingdom, the male who was rude to Lance had stormed out of the backyard and into the building. Shiro, the sultan, went to the male asking what had happened. The male said, "Your 'precious' princess let his lion attack me! He will never be married by that attitude! I no longer want to marry him!" He stormed off to exit the castle. Shiro sighed and went to go talk to his brother.

Shiro went to princess Keith and his pet lion, Red. Shiro asked, "Why did you scare off the prince?" Keith said innocently, "I didn't..Red was only wanting to play with him. Isn't that right, Red?" He pets Red sweetly and Red loving the feeling. Shiro sighs and said, "That's the fifth or sixth time a prince has left not wanting to marry you anymore." Keith looking at his reflection in the water, he said "Maybe I don't want to be married!" Keith smacked his reflection in the water. Shiro said, "Well to bad..I'm getting a bit tired of being King and you have to be married before your birthday." Keith rolled his eyes and went to the cage of birds, he got one out and let's the bird rest on his finger, petting it.

Klance - Voltron {Disney AU} One-ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang