Chapter 1

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•Love Is Love•
The Club
Part 1

Megan's POV:

"I'm gonna get us some shots! I'll be right back" Lydia yelled over the music towards our group. As she got up she whispered in my ear, "Have fun for tonight, okay?" I nodded. She gave me a I don't believe you look before walking off towards the bar. Lydia I had been my best friend since we were babies. We literally were like twins when we were babies, you know, can't be separated and are always with each other no matter what. As a matter of fact, we're still like that. Our moms grew to become best friends just as we did. They have a picture of us as new babies where we were sleeping in the same bed and were cuddling together. She's like my twin, not just because how close our birthdays are; two days apart but because we're insanely close.

Lydia and the rest our gang; Mia, Sam, Kyle and Luke are in a newly open clubbed and to be honest I'm actually enjoying myself shockingly. I wasn't too keen on the idea of going out to a club when I have responsibilities at home but Lydia guilt tripped me into coming along.

"Drink up whores!" She shouted as she set the tray of glasses on the table. I passed out everyone's shots and gave Lydia hers as she slid into the booth next to me. We each had three shots of whatever she choose. "On the count of three every drink as fast as they can and whoever is the last one to drink them all, buys the next few rounds. Sounds good?!" We all shouted 'yea'. "One...." we all looked at each other. "Two...." Everyone grabbed their first glass. "Three!!" We all raced to gulp the three glasses down.

I swear our whole group is so competitive that I have no idea of what to do with them. I'm the mom of the group who keeps everyone out of trouble and in check but I don't ruin their fun unless I'm down. They even call me their 'mama' and at times I call them my children. People probably look at us like we're fucked up.

All of us finished them on the exact same time. "What the fuck! Why do we do competitions when we are on the same damn level?!" Mia said as she slammed the glass down hard.
"For real! I mean what's the point, but who's gonna pay for the next rounds now?" Luke said. Sam and Kyle looked at each other then back at the group and shouted "NOT ME!" I put my head in my hands and groaned. I swear I'm the only mature one around here. I might as well just pay for them the rest of the night.

"Move Lydia" I growled and shoved her so she could get the hint that mama's frustrated. She moved fast because she knows I'm not the one to be played with. I stood up and look at my group of friends/children. "Where are you going?" Mia tilted her dead in confusion as the others looked me and did the same. I swear they act like I'm their mother for real.

"I'm going to go get my children some shots because you all are too stubborn to actually do it" I rolled my eyes as I pulled out a stack of money out of my back pocket. They all looked at my stack of bills in shock. Kyle pointed to my hands and tried to muster up some words for a few minutes. I just stood there and looked at them all who still looked in shocked except for Lydia. She knows I have a great paying job but nobody else does. "Are you all going to say something or are you just gonna stare?" I snapped.

Mia was the first to speak out of the four idiots. "How in the hell does a eighteen year old have that much money? I-I mean I know you have a job but how the hell? I don't even make the much in a year." The four nodded their heads in agreement. I shook my head and laugh and Lydia joined in with me. They just looked at us like we were crazy. "That's funny?" Luke asked in a serious tone that he rarely uses. When Lydia and I stopped laughing we looked at each other and back at the group.

"I just got a good job that pays well, I swear" I laughed but they didn't look convinced. "Megan, Lydia are you lying to us about something?" Lydia looked at me while I was staring at Mia thinking about if I should tell them or not. I looked at Lydia and she nodded.

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