Cybermen and Daleks!

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So this is my first fanfic for Doctor Who so sorry if it's Crappy! But anyways just enjoy and watch the Adventuers that are coming your way!

~Kayla's POV~

"Exterminate! Exterminate!" I heard and popped out of bed. There stood a Dalek right before me.

"How did you get in here?" I asked grabbing my sonic that was behind me.

"Here to Exterminate all Time Lords!" The Dalek replied. "Well looks like I'm not one of them!" I smirked then soniced the door I was standing on.

It dropped me down into a secret place I have hidden under my house. "TIME LORD HAS ESCAPTED! EXTERMINATE HER!" I heard a Dalek yell.

I put the sonic in my back pocket and slipped on my gear belt, jump suit, and my leather jacket.

I moved the sonic to the gear belt along with my teleporter, lock picks, and my gun.

I teleported to my room where a Dalek was. "Hey you bucket of bolts!" I said pointing my gun.

"TIME LORD FOUND! MUST EXTERMINATE!" I screeched. I shot it write in it's eye then ran oit hearing a big explosion boom from inside.

"EXTERMINATE TIME LORD!" Another Dalek yelled. "My name is Kayla!" I said and shot it straight in the eye like I did the other one.

Then I jumped off the railing of the stairs as the Dalek blew up. I landed but fell "2 Daleks down....2 to go!" I said getting up and searching the house.

No Daleks! I need to destroy the other 2! Otherwise the whole world can be at risk!

I made sure I had everything I needed then teleported. There was a bright white light then the teleport mouth functioned.

"Ahhh!" I screamed as I landed in a spaceship. "What the hell?" I got up and scanned the area.

Why did it take me here? I walked down the hall way that seemed to go forever. Then I heard a scream behind me.

I ran back that way to see a girl with ginger hair running towards me. "Wh-Who are you?" she asked.

"I'm Kayla Satori are you okay?" I asked. "Well I am being chased..." she trailed off.

"Chased by what?" I asked. "DELETE! DELETE!" I heard. "Cybermen!" I said taking out my gun as it came closer.

Me and the woman backed up slowly as the Cyberman came towards us. "So whats your name?" I asked still pointing the gun.

"Amy Pond!" She said. "Well Amy I have a plan to excape!" I said backing up next to her.

"Ya? What is it?" She asked turning to me. "Run!" I yelled and we started running down the hall away from the Cyberman.

"Ahhh!" We screamed as another Cyberman came towards us. We ran back the other way and there stood the other Cyberman.

"Amy!" I yelled as I pulled out my teleporter and grabbed her so we both teleported to a different part of the ship.

We both sighed in relief and leaned against the wall. "So Amy how did you get here?" I asked in relief.

"Me, my husband, Rory, and The Doctor where traveling in The Doctor's Tardis and it mouth functioned and brought us here!" She replied.

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