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'Allow me to introduce my top four students in order Mildred Hubble, Maud Spellbody, Enid Nightshade, and Ethel Hallow.' Miss Cackle said. 'And let me introduce my top four students in order students Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, and Draco Malfoy.' Professor Dumbledore  said. 'The golden trio is better then me!' Draco exclaimed. The top eight students locked eyes Harry and Mildred Hermione and Maud Ron and Enid and Draco and Ethel. Harry and Mildred gasped. 'You used to live at #5 Privet Drive Little Winging Surrey? Right.' Harry asked. 'Yeah. You still live at #4 Privet Drive Little Winging Surrey?' Millie asked. 'Obviously' Harry said. 'Mil remember when you told me to change Dudley's hair pink?' Harry asked. 'Yep it was our funniest prank ever.' Mildred replied. 'It's time for the goblet of fire to pick the four students Bauxbatons- Fleur Delacour Durmstrang-Victor Krum Hogwarts-Harry Potter Cackles Academy of witches-Mildred Hubble.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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The wort school.                    By: Kittycat CatsWhere stories live. Discover now