Mr & Mrs Red

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HEY! Well this is my fourth book. on Wattpad. It's called MR AND MRS RED. Please do not judge or copy my book. DON'T Drop nasty comments. Bear with me. It's NOT edited. I'm Just writing it for fun, But i hope you guys like it. Do vote and comment. I'd Appreciate that. Thanks & enjoy the book.


Victoria's Pov

"Tori, my office now." I heard the familiar stern voice of my boss, agent Stephen in my mini earbuds.

"Yes sir!"

I let out a sigh as i removed the large boxing gloves from my hands. Reaching for the small bottle of water, i drunk it all. Grabbing my back pack, I exited the gym. The sun was setting, Checking my wrist watch it's 6:45.

Taking the stairs, i reached Stephen's door. Some agents gave me respectful looks as i walked past them. I was about to open the door when someone beat me to it. It was none other than the jerk.

Cole Crawford.

What is he doing here? Shouldn't he be on a mission? He was never free, he was busy all the time and i was so glad for it, i couldn't stand seeing his face after what he did to me last year. I've always hated his guts.

"Good to see you, agent Tori, after all this time." He smirked. I just ignored him, I'm not getting myself into trouble. Not with him.

Once we entered the door, we were welcomed by the grumpy Stephen. Seriously, he's always in this mode. I've never seen him smile or even laugh heartedly. He's always angry and grumpy. He's the head of the FBI in New York (N.Y)

Giving him our respect, he stood from his chair while he mentioned for us to seat at the couch. Nodding we took a seat.

"A new mission." Stephen said as he walked over to the large glass window. Taking a seep from his red punch. He walked back to his table.

"He's Both drug dealer and a murderer." He spoke as he stared at me hardly. He was not blinking.

"His name is Marshal Perkins." He stated drifting his gaze to Cole. I still don't understand why is Cole here?

"So, what am i supposed to do?" Cole spoke. as if he read my mind.

"You are going to expose his identity and turn him up, to the law." Stephen said sternly as he dropped some papers on the table.

"But not only you," He pointed at Cole. "Tori, will be in this mission too." He took another seep as he pointed his finger at me.

What? No, this is a nightmare!

"No, i don't-" I spoke but stopped when Stephen glared at me. "Your going with him that's final!" He boomed. Never get him angry. That was a warning I've learnt since I've been working here. I gulped as i nodded an 'Okay'

"So, what are our new names?" Cole smirked, staring at me. Stephen handed him some papers. He scanned them, as his eyes widened, before he replaced his feature with a very evil smirk.

He handed me e papers as he smirked. Scowling at him, i harshly grabbed the papers am surprised it didn't rip to pieces.

Cole Crawford;

Fake name : Alex Red

Fake Status : Married (Lily)

Fake Age : 24

Fake Job : An author.

That was his fake undercover identity.

Victoria myers

Fake name : Lily Vans (Red)

Fake status : Married (Alex)

Fake age : 23

Fake Job : A housewife.

Then it hit me. No! This can't be real. I'll be playing undercover as his WIFE? HIS HOUSE WIFE?

I was about to protest, but immediately shut my mouth when i received the death glare from Stephen. Once am out of here, I'll go pour my anger in that punching back down at the gym. I curled my fingers into a fist, before loosening it, while i faked a smile.

"Get ready, for the Flight. Tomorrow morning. It's Las Vegas, Nevada," Stephen dismissed "I've already booked a beautiful romantic suit for you." He added as he sat down.

He likes making me angry, but i wasn't going to lose it, am so used to his rude personality. I just nodded, while Cole just stood from his seat. Paying my last respect, i walked out of the door.

I can believe what just happened. This is my worst nightmare.


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