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"and if you loved me,
you'd never do this, our
futures battered & bloody,
you're so fucking ruthless"

Richie was trying to impress y/n by trying to play the trumpet. Richie blew into it pissing off the real player of the trumpet.

"That's impressive." y/n smiled.

"Damn right hot stuff." Richie smirked.

While Richie was trying to impress the love of his life, the rest of the losers were looking at a missing poster of, Edward Corcoran.

"They say they found part of his hand all chewed up by a standpipe." Stan stuttered.

"He asked to borrow a pencil once." Ben looked at the poster.

Bill went over to the poster and lifted it up, revealing Betty Ripson's poster.
"It's like she's been f-forgotten, because Corcoran's missing." Bill looked at the losers.

"Is it ever gonna end?" Stan asks.

Beverly looked as she saw The trumpet player yank the trumpet out of Richies hand causing y/n to giggle.

"What the fuck dude." Richie yelled.

"What are you guys talking about?" Eddie asked.

"What they always talk about." Richie says as y/n hands him an ice cream cone.

"I actually do think it will end. For a little while at least." Ben said.

"What do you mean?" Beverly asked.

"So I was going over all my Derry research and charted out all the big events, the iron explosion in 1908, the Bradley gang in '35, and the black spot in '62, and now kids are being... I realized all this stuff only seems to happen.."

"Every 27 years." y/n finished.

"Okay so let me get this straight, it comes from wherever to eat kids for like a year and then what? It just goes into hibernation?" Eddie asked.

"Maybe it's like-what do you call it? Cicadas, you know the bugs that come out once every 17 years?" Stan stated.

"My grandfather thinks this town is cursed, he says that all the bad things that happen in this town are because of one thing, an evil thing that feeds off to people to Derry." Mike gulped.

"But it can't be one thing, we all saw something different." Stan looked around.

"Maybe. Or maybe it knows what scares us the most and thats what we see." Mike finishes.

"I-I saw my mom." y/n stuttered. "All covered in blood, wearing the same thing she was wearing when she died, she looked so real."
Richie grabbed y/n's hand and held it.

"I saw a leper." Eddie added. "He was like a walking infection."

"But you guys didn't, because it isn't real. None of this is. Not Eddies leper, or Bill seeing Georgie, or y/n's mother, o-or the women I keep seeing." Stan worried. "Her face is all messed up, none of this makes any sense! They are all like bad dreams."

"I don't think so! I know the difference between a-a bad dream and real life, okay?" Mike yelled.

"What'd you see?" Eddie asks. "You saw something too?"

"Yes. You guys know that burned down house on Hares Avenue? I was inside when it burned down, before I was rescued, my mom and dad were trapped in the room over from me, they were pushing and pounding on the door, trying to get to me, but it was too hot. When the fireman finally found them, the skin on their hands had melted down to the bone. We're all afraid of something." Mike cried.

"You got that right."

"Alright Rich, What are you afraid of?"


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