Being Discovered

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It started like a normal first day of school, I was a senior and almost out of this hell where only the teachers seemed to know me. I was kinda like Kate in "John Tucker Must Die" before she met everyone, completely invisible. I can't tell you how many times I get asked if I'm new, even by kids I talk to daily... But, unknown to me, this year was going be different thanks to HER. Who is HER? Alextra Bryce, the most popular girl in school since the first day of nineth grade, a senior now just like me. We've never really interacted so I figured like everyone else I was invisible to her. It all started that first day of senior year...

"Evan, mom said get your bitch ass up!" My brother Jake shouted as he banged on my door.

"I highly doubt mom said bitch ass..." I sighed, not getting up just staring at my door.

"The fuck ever. Just get up, 'ight? I got that job interview with Erik Matters today." Jake tsked as he kicked my door.

"What does that have to do with me?" I scuffed, adding "and stop abusing my door."

"I'm driving you to school."

"You wrecked your car again, didn't you..." I sighed.

"S-shut up! It wasn't my fault!" Jake cried out in deffence.

"Fine, take my car. You could at least ask first... And I don't need a ride, I'll just take my bike."

"You know mom doesn't like you taking that to school." Jake warned me.

"Mom also doesn't like you wrecking your cars every other week, and having to let you live here for free, even though your 23, because you keep wrecking your cars. Honestly, how do you still have a license..."

"Shut up! Fuck, fine, whatever, I don't even care." Jake growled and marched away. With a sigh I looked at the clock on the wall I still had an hour of sleep til I NEEDED to be up, so with a groan I went back to sleep til five minutes before I needed to be up. Getting up I shower and brushed my teeth as I tried to figure out what to wear. Of course I went with my typical school garb, since mom wouldn't let me wear my geeky/gamer/dorky/otaku gear, though I always secretly wore one of those kinda shirts underneath in a rebellious sorta way. So I put on my Batwoman tee with a plain black long sleeve shirt that should be under my tee in my opinion, but whatever, then a open hooded sweater like coat and black jeans. As I looked at myself I noted, like I do most mornings, that I dressed well, very fashionable just like a popular kid would. And I was good looking, not exactly pretty, but in a mature way. So it kinda made you wonder how I was so invisible. Not that it truely mattered, I liked being invisible, at least to those around my age. They were all too immature for my taste. With a sigh I headed down stairs to grab a quick bite and grabbed my helmet.

"Young lady, what do you think you're doing with that helmet?" My mom demanded without looking up from her paper.

"Jake wrecked his car again and took mine for his interview." I answered with a shrug getting her to look up in horror.

"Dear goodness... He's using your car? That's under my insurance... Oh no... Sweet goodness, no..." My mom muttered horrified by the fact, which presented the perfect opportunity to slip away. Once in the garage I uncovered my baby, a sweet Harley Davidson with a Harley Quinn, Joker, and Batman theme. I spent a fortune decking it out with my dad before he passed, which made it all the more precious. I ran my hand over it lovingly before opening the garage and rolling it out before shutting the garage. After hopping on I secured my helmet and revved it up before speeding down to school. As I pulled in to my spot everyone started at my bike in awe. I had to smiled to myself at it as I turned the bike off and took my gloves off.

"Bro, sick bike." Greg, the captain of our football team, commented as he and his group came up to admire it. The look on his face when I took my helmet off was priceless.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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