Jail Time (One Direction/Nouis:D)

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        He sat in the booth, waiting for the Priest to start speaking of the Bible. After a moment of waiting he started to talk, just as the first words left his holy lips the back doors of the Church opened. The members of the church looked back in shock, staring at the police officers who burnsted through the entrance to their holy house of God. They quickly made their way through the crowd, looking for a specific person. He was just as curious as everyone else to what was going on. No one here would be wanted by the police.. right? It only took a few minutes for a few members of the police o walk straight up to him and take his arms in theirs, pulling him up from his seat. Distraught and confused. This man was Louis. Louis Tomlinson, a highschool drama teacher. 

    The man was extremely confused as he was carried outside of his sancuary. Completely embarrassed. All of his friends, family, and the majority of his students now thought he was some sort of a hardened criminal. Thoughts raced through his mind at a million kilometers an hour. Thinking of any and all the "crimes" he commited throughout his lifetime. In vollege he drank before legal, but no one really cares. That was YEARS ago. He couldn't be arrested for that now!

    Brought out of his thoughts by the blinding sun. Louis was close to tears as they neared the police car. Shoved in not so gently. No one would answer his questions on the drive to jail. What had he done? What's going on? Why me? Why? No one bothered with him. They were just doing their job. He was a "dangerous criminal" and criminas didn't deserve to be answered. They're animals. But what they weren't aware of was that Louis William Tomlinson of Doncaster, England was innocent. 100% innocent.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2012 ⏰

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