part 1 a tale to tell

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A long time ago in the Underworld, there lives a prince named Grim Jr son of the GRIM REAPER. Junior was jealous of his sister Minniemandy. Everyone adore her but, not him and they call him the laughing stock of the Underworld. Little did he know that there was at less one person who care. Years later on the 31st of October it was Junior first Halloween and one he rather forget. The night his actions led to his sister's fate and the night Minnie become trapped in the body of a child forever. After that Junior never spoke about the events that happened. Junior is now 24 and his sister is 21 now our story begins

Minnie was wondering the halls looking for Junior"Brother dearest where have thy gone," Minnie said. Minnie felt someone tip on her shoulder, she turned her head to see who. It was Junior who greeted her with a little smile. "Hey Minnie how are you going today," Junior asked, Minnie look at her brother happily hugging him.

Junior always said if Minnie is happy then he's happy, he try his best to protect Minnie as she did for him when they were young."brother dearest do not worry for I am right here with thee" Minnie reply Hugging him, junior patted Minnie head gently as he began to walk to the throne room. Minnie decided to follow junior, they open the door to come face to face with their parents.

Grim was the first one to speak" boy, didn't I tell ya to come by yourself-".Before Grim could finished his sentence, he was stop by Minnie whom put her hand in front of him. " Father dearest, thy punishment is not needed, for brother did not force me to come." Explained Minnie.

"Grim, I wouldn't do that if I were you because if you lay a finger on our dear son, Minnie wouldn't think twice about it." Junior knew exactly who the voice belong to and shivered at the very thought of it. Mandy walked right in front of her son, those empty, red, eyes stared right through his very own soul. " Minnie, you will be joining your brother on his journey oh, and Grim, if you try to interfere you face a fate worse then death." Mandy walked away without a another word leaving Grim speechless, Minnie smile, and Junior wondering what just happened. Grim then look at the other Two and give them a farewell. Minnie look as Junior did the same, as they took each other hands and with that they were gone
Hey everyone hope you like this chapter, I'm going to be going chapters soon. If you don't like it then stop reading it right now, but if you like it then say you want read more in the comments below, enjoy.

Jr x Minnie The Reaper's FateWhere stories live. Discover now