
38 1 1

Title: Goodbye.

Word Count: 2.1k

Requested: No

(A/N) When (Y/N) sings it's in italics, when Michael sings it's in bold, and when Jeremy sings it's in bold and italics! I also linked the song so you can listen to George's beautiful voice while you read! Hope you enjoy! 


You had been waiting for an acceptance letter for weeks. Most of the few colleges you'd applied to were in New Jersey, with the exception of one or two practically across the country, but those were just ones you didn't really expect to get into. Wishful thinking, you supposed. You were excited to be an adult and live adult life with your friends, and your boyfriend, Michael Mell. The two of you had been dating since sophomore year, and were planning on moving into a house together once you both moved out of your parents houses. It was cheaper than dorm housing, anyway.

But when you went out to check the mail for what was probably the billionth time, you found a letter addressed to you. You had yelled for your mom, and as she ran into the room, startled and concerned, all you could do was hold the letter out to her and say, "College letter."

Your mother's breath hitched in her throat and she called for your father. He came into the room, seeing both of your anxious faces and the letter in your mother's hand. He knew immediately what it was. "Aren't you going to open it?" he asked, gesturing to the letter. "No," You said in response. "Too scared. Which school is it, anyway?" You asked, realizing you hadn't even looked at which college had written to you. "It's the one out in California." Your mother said, looking at the name on the front of the letter.

"Oh. Well, now I'm terrified. Great," You slumped down in a chair. There were pros and cons. If you got accepted, that would be an amazing opportunity, but it also meant leaving your friends behind. Leaving your family behind. Leaving Michael behind.

You finally stood, taking the letter from your mother. You all three sat down at the dining room table with racing hearts and sweaty palms as you shakily ripped at the seam of the envelope. You held it in front of you, beginning to read. "Dear (Y/N) (L/N), we are delighted to inform you..." You trailed off as you continued to read the letter to yourself. You handed the letter to your parents. "I got in," You said, not sure how to feel. Your mother began crying happily as your father congratulated you. You wanted to be excited with them, you really did, but your mixed emotions needed to be sorted out. And you needed to pack. You are going to California, after all.

You debated telling Michael. Well, more like you sat in your room freaking out over the possible outcomes, trying to convince yourself not to. But he deserved to know. He needed to know. But you couldn't tell him if you hadn't come to terms with it yourself yet.

Later in the week, you, Michael, Jeremy, Christine, Rich, and Jake all went to the mall and got some food. As you all sat down, talking, you hardly even thought about college and leaving. That is, until Christine asked, "So, where are all of you going to college?" Immediately, your stomach felt like lead. Michael and Jeremy were going to the same college (which was in New Jersey, lucky bastards.) as Jake, whereas Rich told you all that he had decided he was going to take a year off. Everyone was so absorbed in their own conversations, nobody seemed to notice you conveniently forgotten to mention where you were going to college.

Then Michael turned to you. "Have you gotten any acceptance letters yet, babe?" He asked. You began sweating, and to your horror, your mouth started talking faster than your brain could stop it. "Uh, yeah. I did." You said, leaving it at that. "That's awesome, (Y/N)! Which school is it?" Christine exclaimed. Everyone's eyes were on you. "About guys know how most of the colleges I applied to are here in Jersey, right?" They nodded. "And you all know I also applied to a few across the country?" They all slowly nodded again, not catching on yet. "Well, there was this really good school I applied to, but-" You were interrupted by Jeremy. "Did you not get in? What college did you get a letter from?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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