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"through drought and famine,
natural disasters my baby has been
around for me, kingdoms have fallen,
angels be calling"

All 8 kids were hanging out in Bill Denbrough's garage, each sitting in front of a map, Derry's Sewer System to be exact.

"Look. It's where G-Georgie disappeared, There's the ironworks, and the black spot. Everywhere it happens it-it's all connected by the sewers... and they all meet up at the.."

"The Well house." Ben finished Bill sentence.

"It's in the house on Neilbolt street." Stan responded.

"You mean that creepy ass house where all the junkies and hobos like to sleep?" Richie asked.

Eddie grabbed his inhaler and tried to breathe.
y/n turned to face him with a worried look in her eyes.

"I hate that place. It always feels like it's watching me." Beverly added.

"That's where, that's where I saw the clown." Eddie struggled with breathing.

"That-that's where IT lives." Bill stuttered.

Eddie took a puff again.

"I can't imagine anything wanting to live there." Stan looked at the map.

"Can we stop taking about this! I-I-I can barley breathe-it's summer! We're kids! I-I can barley breathe! I'm getting a fucking asthma attack! And I'm not doing this!" Eddie yelled as he pulled off the poster.

"What the hell! Put the map back on!" Bill yelled but Eddie nodded his head a "no".

Then the projector started to move and switch images.

"What's going on?"

"What the hell."

Then the projector finally stopped once it landed on a picture of Bills family. The photo zoomed towards Georgie.



The projector then movies upwards to Mrs. Denbrough. The projector then turns Mrs. Denbroughs face to Pennywise.

"What the fuck!" y/n screamed.

Everyone was now screaming and yelling, everyone backed away. Richie held onto y/n, wanting to protect her.

"What the fuck is that?! What the fuck is that!"

"I don't fucking know!"

Pennywises face is now fully shown on the screen by now, he looks around a grins widely.

"Turn it off!"

y /n let go of Richie and kicked the projector, trying to stop it. But it kept going. Pennywise continued to be on the screen.

Suddenly Pennywise was popping out of the screen, crawling towards everyone. Everyone ran away scared of what might happen, but IT saw y/n and quickly aimed for her.

It all went by quickly, it was all a blur. A fearful blur. No one knew what was happening, their eyes were mostly closed not wanting to see it.

Finally Ben opened up the garage door, Beverly thanked him and quickly ran towards Bill and hugged him.

Richie then noticed that y/n was missing from the group and he quickly looked around trying to find her.
"y/n?!" Richie yelled. "y/n?! Oh shit! Oh fuck! Where the fuck is she?!"

Bill and Stan look at each other, each worried about their friends.

"I-It took her." Bill stuttered.

"No-no! No! No! That's n-not possible! y/n! No-no! She was just fucking here! Jesus fuck! No...!"

"Richie she's not here." Beverly added.

Richie let out a tear and grabbed his bike.

"Where are you going?"

Richie ignored the question and peddled off to the creepy house just for the girl he loves so much.

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