I Promise You

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Lying in bed with her all I could think about was how I never wanted to let her go. How I would do everything I can to protect her. No matter what I can not let them get her. People want her dead all because I love her. She knew the risk. Hell, I knew the damn risk and all because I'm selfish I brought her into my life. She's so pure, good, and I'm the complete opposite. Darkness follows me, everyone I end up loving gets killed but I sure as hell will not let anything happen to this girl in my arms. I feel her try to turn, so I lift up my arm to allow her room to move and she digs her head into my chest. I can feel her breaths as she sleeps and it makes me so happy that I have someone like her to love me.  I have someone to call mine and I know damn well that I will fight for her till my last breath. 

"mmph." I try to stay as still as possible to try not to wake her. After she stills and starts to fall back asleep I untangle our hands and run my fingers through her hair and think about our future together. We lay there for hours, her sleeping and me thinking until she starts talking in her sleep. 

"Dylan?" She mumbles and stirs. 

"Baby?" I whisper just in case she's just having a dream and she's fine. 

"Dylan... No... Please..." She's slurring all these words and I can't make anything out. Her lips turn to a frown and her eyebrows pull together in what looks like pain. 

"Baby? Baby wake up."

------her POV-----

All I can see is Dylan and he's... tied up? What the hell?  I try to move but my arms and legs are tied down to a bed. I look up and see Dylan looking at me. He's been crying. I swear to god when I find out who did this to us I will cut them and chop them into tiny pieces. "Dylan?" as I whisper his name I hear the door open. I look over at the person who's entered and all I can make out is a dark shadow of a person. He laughs and that laugh I've heard it before where the hell have I heard that laugh from? 

"So Dylan did you really think I wouldn't find you? And your gorgeous girlfriend? What's her name again? Oh it doesn't matter cause after this you'll both be dead." No. NO DYLAN PLEASE NO NOT HIM. 

"ROB, no rob please no don't hurt him." 

"Don't worry sweetie you'll be first I need to make sure he's well enough to see what I have in plan for you."

"Dad... I swear you lay one finger on her I'll kill you." Dylan's voice is scratchy so either we've been in here for a while or they've strangled him. Rob starts walking over to me. 

"Dylan no please Dylan help me!" I try to scream but I only get half way through when Rob slaps me in the face. 

"Shut the hell up!" As he says this Dylan breaks out of the rope and goes to tackle Rob when I hear Dylan yell at me to wake up. 

-----Dylan's POV------

"CHLOE WAKE UP!" I finally screamed and she woke up with a start. 

"Dylan?" She mumbles with tears in her eyes. I yank her into my arms and cradle her head in my hands.

"I'm here baby you're okay. I'm right here. No ones gonna hurt you I promise you." I mumble kissing her head while she cries holding onto me like if she let go no one would catch her as she fell. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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