Still Holding On

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"H.O.P.E ; hold on, pain ends!"
- Anonymous -

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Leaving behind the life that she's built in Mussoorie, moving forward to a big city like Mumbai wasn't an easy take. Especially when the decision was imposed upon her. If only she had an upper hand over the way her life was going, she would never give up the peaceful life she's had in Mussoorie. Even at the young, and tender age of just 14, Zoya was mature enough to judge the actions of others. She knows that this particular decision of their family will only result in trouble, but no one listened to her. To them, she was just a young girl with no knowledge of the outer world norms and how it all works. What they didn't know was how she indulged herself into her world of books which made her capable of knowing and understanding more than what an ordinary girl of her age could do. Nevertheless, she left her life to destiny and faith as she took the help of hope. She just hoped that her life thereafter would be a better one.

Shrugging away all the thoughts that were clouding her rational thinking, Zoya finally closed the book she's been engrossing herself in ever since she got into the car from Chatrapathi Sivaji Airport. Her father was busy discussing directions and routes with the driver. Her mother and sister, on the other hand were sleeping due to the travel fatigue. She could never understand the need of people to sleep during the day. She was never the kind who takes a nap during the day. She prefers to sleep a little longer in the morning rather than taking a nap between the day. Sighing at the change of fate, all of the sudden, she looked out to find tiny droplets chasing one another to the end of the tampered glass window of their car. She rolled down the window and felt the light drizzle on her tiny fingers. Then, she peeped her head out of the window and let the refreshing drizzle hit her face. And, at that instant, she fell in love with Mumbai.

* * *

"May I come in, Madam?" Asked an apprehensive Zoya as she stood by the frame of the classroom door.

It was her first day in the new school and she was late. Not a good impression to have, especially when it was going to be the first of everyone in the class. Clutching the red student file closer to herself, Zoya took tiny steps into the classroom as the teacher had stopped whatever she was saying a little while ago and turned to look towards her. How she wished she had brought her parents along with her. Her father, had wanted to be there for her, but she insist that he and her mother to be with her younger sister, Noor for her first day in a different school.

"Yes, come in! May I know who you are?" The lady in her mid-forties asked with a small smile.

It helped her nerves to approach the teacher, but still, upon realizing that she was the attention of the whole class right now, she couldn't help but to be more nervous. Just then, she accidentally stepped on her undone shoelace and was about to hit the floor badly when someone had held her school bag firmly, preventing her from kissing the ground. Zoya had closed her eyes tightly in fear and only came to her senses when she felt the pull by her shoulders as the person who held her bag pulled her up.

"Oh my God! Are you okay?" The concerned teacher approached them with a loud gasp.

Zoya who hadn't realize that she had been holding her breath all this while, finally breathed out when she opened her eyes, just to have her breath hitched again. Her saviour. There stood the tall and masculine boy with a frown on his face.

"Are you okay?" He asked simultaneously as the teacher.

Zoya could only nod her head hard and looked away from the boy, muttering a 'thank you' under her breath. Even though he had saved her from a huge embarrassment, it still felt very awkward for her after that. Turns out, that boy was also a new student in the school, and they had to do a brief introduction of themselves in front of the whole class.

Still Holding On - An AdiYa OSWhere stories live. Discover now