Annastia Noel

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As a kid,when they would ask me what i wanted to be when i got older,i said happy.I didn't want to be be like my dad,him being angry at my mother for her betrayal.

When i was little i got my best-friend.His name was Luka,he was year older than me but that didn't stop us from being friends.Luka was very protective of me,to make sure nobody would hurt me.that was highly possible because i was the priminster's daughter.i never really cared what my daddy did as long as Luka could still play with me.Luka's dad did something important for Britain,even though him,and Luka were both Irish,with an was funny when he said words and it came out wrong,even though i had the same problem,because of my British accent.though I never really talked to many people because daddy said that I couldn't.he said to just ignore the people,with the camera's and were yelling stuff at me.

He called them a name,but it sounded like pizza and pepperoni together.

When i was seven i started to like luka more than a friend,i had a crush on twin sister Mona,told me that i should tell luka but i was afraid that he wouldn't want to be my friend anymore.something else also started when I developed a crush for him.

My mother's betrayal to my father.

when i was even and luka was eight,we saw my mother,Bethany,and luka's father,Ragnar,in my parents room.they had their clothes on the floor and were on top of each other.I looked over at luka and he shrugged.then we went off to see my Nanny,Abigail.she was washing clothes.

"we saw mommy and Mr.magentae,in the room.what were they doing?"i struggled trying to mask my accent so she understood me.Abigail was about twenty eight,and had long black hair that was in a bun,

"what do you mean?were they talking?"she was putting clothes in the dryer not really paying attention to us.

luka shook his head,"no they weren't dad was on top of annie's mom,and moving back and fourth."she understood then,because she stopped and looked at us with a funny expression on her face.

"they were wrestling that's all,"she was so Sweet and sincere.

"My dad was winning by the looks of it." Luka said proudly looks of it.

"Do you wanna go see who's winning now"He nodded his head and we began to walk away untill,abigail grabbed us by the back of our shirt's and made us stop.

"no more spieing on you parent's"she told us with a stern voice.We nodded and ran off to go play out in our tree house.

When my dad got home,I asked him,"Do you ever wrestle with mommy?"

He looked at me confused for a second,"What do you mean sweetie?"Then I told him what happened today and he got angry.

"iIm sorry daddy,"I said to him.He looked at me, and smile, alittle smile but his eyes were different.

"I'm going to go and talk to your momma,go to your room."then he walked off.I went to my room and saw luka playing his video game,when I came in he stopped and smile at me.I smiled back,weakly.Mona was sitting on her bed playing with her barbies.Then we heard yelling and shouting.All three of us looked at each other.I didn't mean to make them angry.

Annastia NoelWhere stories live. Discover now